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  1. H

    Posting Trial Questions

    omg geez just look at all the other trial threads, stop making some more.
  2. H

    4u CSSA estimate mark /120

    Probably around 90-100...
  3. H


    Well the Jugurthine War was saw the rise of Marius, who was to change the military through his reforms, and also the political and social life by his actions and use of the military as a political tool... This was to also lead to the rise of Sulla, who was his liutenant, and to the Social War...
  4. H


    Randwick Racecourse...
  5. H

    the trials

    They are from the Catholic Trials, and are not the same that non-catholic schools do. And Cyan, you're the idiot, so shut the hell up.
  6. H

    the trials

    I did the last three, and its Greece from 500-440 not the other way around.
  7. H


    What are the questions about?
  8. H

    Books books books

    Theres a point where you have too much and you stress out that you have to memorize so many quotes.
  9. H

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    I did ;) Thank god for the Charles Sturt University notes...
  10. H

    Help Notes

    Notes dont really work in Ancient History... The best thing to do to study for Ancient History is to read.
  11. H


    I would suggest using the primary source Sallust (Though i'd assume you would have this already), and people like Scullard to back up your case ;)
  12. H

    the trials

    They are indeed. The Spartan paper is usually the easiest though, since they usually only ask general knowledge questions.
  13. H

    The Benefits of Ancient History

    It was maths all the way. I couldnt believe how easy this year's catholic trial was.
  14. H

    the trials

    Bah i just posted the Persian Wars one in the other thread, and the Sparta ill edit it into this post in a minute. (2 Marks) Name two elected positions within the Spartan Government (3 Marks) Describe the Funeral Rites at the death of a Spartan King (8 Marks) Decribe the economic...
  15. H

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    The Greek Wars one: 1) Describe the role of Themistocles in the Greek Victory 2) Account for the development of the Athenian navy in this period 3) Desribe the preparations of both sides before the Persian Wars. 4) Cant remember...
  16. H

    CSSA Mark (Estimate)

    Have you tried the 1989 question 8b)? its close to being impossible...
  17. H

    Books books books

    Dont you just like reading history books though? They are interesting reading before bed every night so that you can become sleepy...
  18. H

    Who Is The Master Crammer?

    Cramming is relatively easy to do, but memorizing quotes is another thing :(
  19. H

    2002 Standards Packages

    Our school has them in the library... and i got to say they are pretty crap. The only good thing that they were probably good for was to steal quotes.
  20. H

    The Benefits of Ancient History

    hah i had my maths on monday, and then my ancient and another math on the tuesday. :P :(