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  1. H

    Books books books

    Hmmm i have around 8-10 in my collection on hard copy, and about 4-5 photocopies of other books.
  2. H

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    I did ok... the only question that troubled my was my Ancient Society, the Sparta question. I had studied for completely different topics in that section...
  3. H

    Syllabus Note Team

    I think you might have better luck getting top rated material after the HSC rather than before. People are competitive.
  4. H

    aNcieNt hiStorY...preparing for trials!

    I can do the fall of the Republic, and society from Augustus to the reign of Nero... But not to Titus. Speaking of which, tomorrow is the trials and i know absolutely nothing about my other topics, the Greeks. :P oh well...
  5. H

    CSSA HOW did everyone went?

    Bah our teacher replaced about half the questions, and made it only into a six question paper with only 2 hours time... I knew she was stupid, but she was sooo stupid that the questions she took out were the easy ones, and gave the harder ones less mark value, to the point where no one in the...
  6. H

    Help Notes

    Its a lonely cold world that you yourself created out of your own laziness. But then again, im in the exact same position just not as worried about it. We can suffer together :)
  7. H


    Thats the complete opposite to my teacher. She said "I will not put in anything in the trial that i cant do." That is soo sweet, since she is soo stupid. So frightfully stupid...
  8. H


    Thats a bitch... Teachers should be more careful about that sort of thing. Thats why im an advocate of having to hand up a hard copy and also by disc or internet.
  9. H

    ISP - 2 unit

    Hmm i did mine on Constantine the Great..
  10. H

    Do you agree....

    I always just disagree for the sake disagreeing, makes your answer stand out.
  11. H

    Okay ... *breathes* ... Okay *breathes* Okay ... *hyperventilates*

    Well not really... All the work in 4u are interrelated with one another and 3unit as well. If you learn one, it would help you with the others.
  12. H

    aNcieNt hiStorY...preparing for trials!

    because he shifted the polyisthic worship of the many Egyptian Gods to the worship of only one god, Aten. Aten was the sun disc, and Akhenaten's name itself reflects this. The "Aten" in the end is the key.
  13. H

    Science Tech and Archaeology

    Bah i cant remember... this is in the Preliminary Course for Ancient History. There are many different scientific techniques that could be used to assist archeology. Off the top of my head C14 dating, Phermoluminesence, Argon something dating are some of them. Its been a while, ill see if i can...
  14. H

    anyone else startin to get scared?

    You just work your way up... Learn the basics, like the basic social structure, or timeline of the events. Then work your way up...
  15. H

    When Is Your Trial For English?

    tomorrow is the big day... crap im so screwed.
  16. H

    When Is Your Trial For maths?

    Bah mine is August the 11th....
  17. H

    Latest Stats?

    Unemployment is 6.1
  18. H

    Australian Maths Comp

    I think i got that one... I put down 7. This is how i thought of it: Consider the smallest and largest combination: I.e 1+2= 3 and 9+8= 17. Therefore there are 15 possible combinations (Or summations) that could be done. Then consider all the ones that could be overcounted... Crap...
  19. H

    Australian Maths Comp

    the answer were like 5,6,7,8,9 ... you try subbing 2^9 into that honking eqn when you're not allowed to use a calculator. I tried doing it using polynomials, but then it became too hard so i skipped that questions. That question was around Q 25-26
  20. H

    Australian Maths Comp

    I think so... The largest possible k yeah.