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  1. H

    Australian Maths Comp

    Umm alright. Given: n^12- n^8 - n^4 +1= 0 for some positive odd integer n. If k is a positive integer, what is the largest value of k such that 2^k divides into that equation?
  2. H

    Australian Maths Comp

    How many of the last 10 questions did people get? I still dont get how to do that n^12- n^8 - n^4 +1= 0 one... Did anyone do it?
  3. H

    Best way to study for Eco??

    Well the way i do it is just to learn off the different textbooks and not make any notes... Then do practice essays. Hasnt failed me yet...
  4. H

    School Litter Policy

    We have that as well... but ours is done by year, not by school. Its sooo annoying to have to do that, especially if we have to stand under the boiling sun during summer or the freezing cold of winter...
  5. H

    The Benefits of Ancient History

    He did however use the victory of the Germans over Varus as a point of pride of Germany's people... So Ancient History is related to Hitler.
  6. H

    Essay Question

    I thought it was quality over quantity... I would say not to waffle.
  7. H

    Elementary Particle Dynamics Q

    Is this examinable in the HSC... because it looks damn hard. Can i ask how you got mg/30?
  8. H

    School Litter Policy

    My school has enacted a new litter policy and it is garbage. (Pardon the pun) The rule is that if any teachers catches you standing near, or walking past any litter without cleaning it, you get a "Litter Detention". This means even though you are just walking past a piece of paper, and a teacher...
  9. H

    Talented Students Day

    Our teacher last term had told us that we were going... now this term today, she told us that is considering that the trip be cancelled for us... BITCH! :mad:
  10. H

    aNcieNt hiStorY...preparing for trials!

    Its an old Republican title that used to indicate a 'seniority' of sorts in the old Republican senate. This is a short answer? Ill try and make brief points... *The Parthian Empire was another empire that truly gave Rome a lot of trouble. *After the defeat of the Carthaginian Empire, the...
  11. H

    The Benefits of Ancient History

    Ancient History helps you improve your essay skills for other humanities or for english. I know it did for me :D
  12. H

    How many people are doing 4 Unit

    Same here Affinity... Last year we only had one person doing 4u maths, and this year we have 11 people. What a jump... I think that might actually be a school record :D. But then again, it wasnt because that people in our school was good at maths, but it was because the standards had fallen... :(
  13. H

    Past Papers/Trials

    Does anyone have any suggestions where i can get some trial papers or past papers? If you have some, would it be troubling if you could send it to me? Please?
  14. H

    Reverse Crowding Out Effect

    Could someone please explain this to me? Our teacher didnt cover it at all...
  15. H

    Worst case scenarios

    I dont think that is such a big deal... Most of the topics in 4unit doesnt require you to evaluate values, usually in exact values. Other than the possible questions in Mechanics or Motion questions in Harder 3 unit, i dont think not having a calculator in a 4u exam is that bad.
  16. H

    Hardest 4U topic

    I find curve sketching quite difficult too, mainly because i make so many silly mistakes.
  17. H

    who's better at 4unit maths?-boys or girls

    Boys... i havent met a woman that is a genius at maths yet. But then again, im an isolated hermit so i cant say anything...
  18. H

    Hardest 4U topic

    I had thought initially that mechanics would be the hardest, but after doing it for a while, its actually quite easy now. Hardest i would say is Harder 3u, especially the probability questions and circle geometry ones.
  19. H

    Study Hours

    I dont study at all... Except for before assessments, and thats usually about the day before only and in the morning of the test.
  20. H

    Past Papers

    I still think that the Phoenix book that arrangs past HSC papers by topic is one of the best... The book released by the Australian Association of Mathematics is also excellent in quality.