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  1. H

    Help with Creative Writing Assessment

    Ive got a creative writing assessment and i could use some help... It has to be between 300-500 words. We are given a cliche "The more things change, the more they stay the same" and we are supposed to incorporate that cliche into our story somehow... Any suggestions? HELP!!!
  2. H


    Woah what a hard question... I think i might do it for practice when i have time. Generally, the ancient sources had a bias agaisnt all julio claudian emperors and claudius was no exception. he was potrayed as an idiot, cripple, etc etc... Damn i think ill read some more suetonius and tacitus...
  3. H

    Exponential Growth/Decay and Calculus of Inverse Trig. Tests.

    Wah so lucky... I would suggest for inverse trig as well, that you look in the 4 unit textbooks for the intergration chapters... If you can do those, you are absolutely sweet for inverse trig.
  4. H

    Volumes by Slicing Question - Please Help

    How did you know the length of the inverval AK was 2a? We just started volumes as well at school..
  5. H

    Class of '03 target UAI's

    I want about 97 ... Beat my sister's UAI.
  6. H

    Effects of eco growth help!

    But isnt it that Higher Growth will only improve real income when it is above the inflation rate?
  7. H

    What topics have you done?

    Complex Curve Sketching Conics Intergration We are wayyy behind, my teacher is such a stupid bitch... She cant do any of the questions herself, she has to use those special solutions book.
  8. H

    Another Ellipse question

    "Equally Inclined" Does it mean that it makes an equal angle on the X axis or something else?
  9. H

    ecos comp

    *groans* i wish i did the comp, but my stupid school didnt sign us up...
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    The usual... Suetonius, Tacitus, Scullard, Salmon. Barrett and Garzetti.
  11. H

    Ancient Roman Literature?

    The Augustan Golden Age is a good place to start... Scullard and the Cambridge provide good information on this.
  12. H


    I used Matrix in a 4U exam and i got marked wrong...
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    You can...
  14. H


    Who is this... I dont think there is anyone that got 86% in my school.. Who are you?
  15. H

    augustan principate

    Discuss: 1) His victory over Antony at Actium 2) The 1st and 2nd Settlement 3) The succession 4) The Senate's relationship with the Princeps 5) The Armies
  16. H


    More like about 5 lol... Oh well i deserve what i get... Ill find out on monday what i got. I think.
  17. H

    13 Units?

    Holy Hell.... Must have an IQ of +180
  18. H


    Our teacher gave us some very hard questions.... I think its about the same as the HSC ones... Ill type out the questions when i get it back.. I expect about 70% :(
  19. H

    Prior Education, worth the Ca$h?

    I went to the April Holiday ones and they were quite good... They teach you how to do all sorts of HSC type questions... But if you are doing 3 unit, or are very good at 2 unit, you can just buy the booklet and solutions...
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    First term- 92% Second Term- 68% half yearly-About to receive next week