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  1. H

    Integration by Special Properties

    OLDMAN, how would you prove the first property?
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    Talented students day at usyd

    Gambling? where did you do that?
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    Does anyone regret doing this subject?

    Really? I hate memorizing case studies and court cases so i dropped it... But Ancient Rulz, its so easy:D
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    describe ur arch enemy at school

    At least you have a common room... Anyway my archnemesis in an unlettered idiot in year 11 below me... His group makes fun of my name and continually do it behind my back as well... They are nothing but cowards who dare not face me like a man.
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    Differential equations

    My tutor taught me the same thing, and i think it might actually even be considered superior compared to the other method of guessing the answer and differentiating it...
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    Does anyone regret doing this subject?

    Legal is soooo boring.
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    Old Chinese Paintings...
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    HTA History Day

    I would be interested in this as well, please PM me the details if you possibly have the time. Thank You ;)
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    Does anyone regret doing this subject?

    I love ancient history, but i still cant help feel that doing physics would have complemented my 4 unit maths...
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    Im going to take a wild guess and say the origin... or (1,1).
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    Anyone At All Doing I S R A E L ? ?

    Wow what sort of topics do you learn in that topic? Like what time period or people or events?
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    UNSW maths comp

    Thanks for telling me about it Wilson... and man do i feel dumb looking at that one question. :(
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    Anyone At All Doing I S R A E L ? ?

    Israel? i didnt even know it was a choice for the Ancient History course :p Are you sure you're not mistaking thise for Modern History?
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    Naval strength was the thing that allowed supplies to be brought in from the aetolian peninsula... Also, the ships protect the 'bridge' that connects persia with greece.
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    WTF is the Solution to a derivative?!

    Just wait for the solutions then.
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    WTF is the Solution to a derivative?!

    It might be for an exponential growth and decay question. Is it?
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    a locus question

    Which book is it from? Or is it from an exam?
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    Study timetable-----------------> what yours look like?

    I never do any study.... im so ashamed of myself.
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    Circle Geometry: is this 2u or the ext. work?..............and....proofs?????

    The proofs are quite easy in themselves to derive anyway, so you shouldnt worry anyway...