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  1. ASNSWR127

    whats with smart people asking for UAI estimates?

    nah they are just showing off...
  2. ASNSWR127

    my UAI ?

    These were my trial marks that I told you BTW Thanks for doing that for me I wasn't certain how to align the marks etc. So I will do some study for Chem and I should be Ok with room to spare : ) I have never studies for an exam but am well read generally in history so that saves me. Looking...
  3. ASNSWR127

    Bachelor of Medicine MB not MBBS

    I think you still have to do MBBS to be a GP as there are minor surgical procedures involved in your scope of practice in most clinical settings.
  4. ASNSWR127

    What happens when you don't achieve the UAI you need?

    imagine someone comparing teaching to accounting! There is no comparison Teaching is special accounting is... accounting (BORING AS HELL!!)
  5. ASNSWR127

    my UAI ?

    hey can someone do mine as well? Lithgow High school (dunno what it is ranked) 80 for Adv english 13/40 98 Mod hist 1/25 72 for physics 7/13 68 for General (dumb) maths 33/75 40 Chemistry 12/19 I have absolutely no idea how to work this stupid SAM thing and it would be a great help to post an...
  6. ASNSWR127

    Friend Zone...

    same goes for you I think...
  7. ASNSWR127

    Friend Zone...

    In all seriousness just remove the sexual tension between you A friend and I did and now its all cool...
  8. ASNSWR127

    How many hours of study are you going to do?

    for the most part I am going to wing it LOL I am going to try and study for physics and chem cos a few extra marks will help a lot with UAI English (adv) and mod hist I dont really need to study, I haven't ever in my life and I got 85 and 98 respectively! Gen maths might warrant some effort...
  9. ASNSWR127

    Pharmacy or optometry as alternative to med

    OK no I totally understand and like I say this is tainted with the context in which I want to nurse. There is one rule that all nurses that I have met seem to live by though and that is that they are the pt's advocate first and foremost and that the pt comes first - that is an attitude which I...
  10. ASNSWR127

    Pharmacy or optometry as alternative to med

    I didn't make it unfriendly ; P sorry if I sounded defensive but I get a lot of flack for wanting to nurse as a male, joking off mates but it grates on my nerve after a while (hope they are reading this LOL) I retract all offensive statements and I am not too stupid to know when I make a...
  11. ASNSWR127

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    so you advocate a union approach to it then? well that goes against lasse faire, no? Or we could just have regulation where everyone knows where everyone stands and we can all work for the benefit of our society? Otherwise it is a 'dog eat dog' world
  12. ASNSWR127

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    false statement. the reason this does not occur is thanks to government intervention. The very thing you disagree with
  13. ASNSWR127

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    How about it wouldn't work like that because everyone will need work and not every corporation can have the best workers because there aren't enough spots and if they all treat their workers like shite then they don't need to. it still leaves room for lots (indeed the majority) to be left...
  14. ASNSWR127

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    There is also nothing to prevent the other business' treating them like shit so we are all treated like shit... except for the rich
  15. ASNSWR127

    Pharmacy or optometry as alternative to med

    your role is to care Same as an MO. Perhaps you Katie Tully are one of those twats that want Dr before and MBBS after their names? simply for the "prestige" and "glory". Who want to walk around with a stethoscope around your neck ordering drugs left right and centre? if so don't you apply...
  16. ASNSWR127

    Uai Estimate Pleashhh

    356th!! man I didnt know it was that bad LOL OK then great thanks for that. I might actually study for these HSC tests... Never studied for anything in my life, this is going to be a new experience. Good luck to you to : )
  17. ASNSWR127

    Pharmacy or optometry as alternative to med

    Quite so... plus there are all of the skills and clinical decisions that are nurse initiated, for instance a CNS can initiate IV therapy and anti-emetics for a severely dehydrated pt, this is one of those skills that would normally be associated and "ordered" by a Dr. There are others but I...
  18. ASNSWR127

    Pharmacy or optometry as alternative to med

    I never said they share the same responsibility, please read a lot more closely next time. I said that they share some of the responsibilities of a Dr with medit is a 5/6 year degree yes. Nursing is 3. However there is specialist training (post grad) involved with Nursing (as there is with...
  19. ASNSWR127

    desperate for UAI prediction plz!!!!!!

    hey can someone do mine as well? Lithgow High school (dunno what it is ranked) 80 for Adv english 13/40 98 Mod hist 1/25 72 for physics 7/13 68 for General (dumb) maths 33/75 40 Chemistry 12/19 I have absolutely no idea how to work this stupid SAM thing and it would be a great help to post an...