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  1. ASNSWR127

    What are you currently Reading?

    "between socialism and capatilism" A fascinating read for all those of you who are philosophically minded...
  2. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread equally simplistic but people that would raise that are naturally simple people...
  3. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread And my reply would be: Sign up or shut up if you love this place so much! Good luck to them...
  4. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread If history repeats itself are we going to see a repeat in history of such a disgusting display of a demagogue next time that the lib's are in power? or what about a total lack of funding in public works? That's the performance of the last lot What about...
  5. ASNSWR127

    ADF Gap Year

    Join regulars?
  6. ASNSWR127

    Pharmacy or optometry as alternative to med

    RN's (registered Nurses) do a lot of the responsibilities of a Dr nowadays, particularly if you do various courses to 'upskill' you shoudl look into that...
  7. ASNSWR127

    Girls who don't like shopping

    capitalist lackneys...
  8. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread point is?
  9. ASNSWR127

    ADF Gap Year

    Well I would strongly suggest you ring DFR Or do uni with ADF...
  10. ASNSWR127

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    hmmm Commander in chief gotta be tough strong man with lots and lots of guns US is Farked!
  11. ASNSWR127

    ADF Gap Year

    No thats not the case for the simple reason that the gap year is not intended for people to 'piss off after one year" the program was originally designed to entice people on a gap year to a) stay in the ADF in the other ranks or b) to entice them to go to ADFA/RMC/OTS/RANC or do the ADF...
  12. ASNSWR127

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Well you see the problem is that in US politics we have two parties and two viewpoints: The conservative and the ultra conservative. It seems the left wing has no place in American Society, the same way that the ALP is trying to 'redefine' itself. Most disappointing...
  13. ASNSWR127

    What speech goes with what?

    for freedom etc the ultimate combo is Denise Leveratov and King (sooo many quotes). PLus leveratov is oh so relevant to todays context which is always handy to include in these sort of essays.
  14. ASNSWR127

    What are you guys doing to study?

    I am only going to study physics and chem Everything else I can wing...
  15. ASNSWR127

    How do you tell her?

    do you have any good prospects for the future? that might help. If you are skater, an emo or an artist with no point to prove from a over-priveliged background.... then there is noooo hope!
  16. ASNSWR127

    Your favoutire exam conditions

    not too much beer - just enough to know that there is world out there and it will all be over in a few hours then it really starts going...
  17. ASNSWR127

    Your favoutire exam conditions

    yeah a nice cold beer before the HSC aaah that would set me up for chemistry... Then some cyanide
  18. ASNSWR127

    ADF Gap Year

    boys and girls the gap year is never full, the army is looking to expand by a number of batallions next year. This requires thousands more soldiers Anyone else doing undergrad with the ADF? ADFA? RMC? OTS? RANC? or are you all gappers? especially Nursing undergrad next year? any takers for that?
  19. ASNSWR127


    in ten years hmmm A Major/Squadron Leader/Lieutenant Commander nursing in any of the ADF branches that would suit me just fine :) yourself?