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  1. CieL

    fuel prices!

    Whoa Jeebus and I thought I was doing bad.. which area is that in? (referring to the ULP for $149.9) Solar powered cars? What'll happen to people who drive extensively at night??? :p
  2. CieL

    fuel prices!

    $1.40 for ULP!!! Therefore, $1.51 for PULP!!! @$%^&*(&UY@$ And I haven't filled up recently!! Only got around 100km till my tank dies!! This licks balls =.=
  3. CieL

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    ^ As in.. Because I'm such a pro, I can speed safely =]
  4. CieL

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    ^ Tried magazines?
  5. CieL

    Speed Limiters at 120??!

    Well if the limit is 110 there shouldnt be a need to overtake them if they're going around 5 under. Like DUH it's called a speed limit for a reason hence you shouldnt even be pushing it past 120 in any case if you're a law abiding citizen, which you don't seem to be so i'm wasting my breath...
  6. CieL

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    How about ego?
  7. CieL

    Speed Limiters at 120??!

    And then there are those who think they're god and would 1. never be caught 2. can lie their way through and happily keep speeding because they've weighed up the pros and cons of the situation and think it's perfectly fine to break certain road rules at certain times
  8. CieL

    Speed Limiters at 120??!

    Urgh those speed sound things annoy me.. Last time my mum's friend was driving her 7 series, evertime she hit 60 and over it made a little noise.. besides the fact that she's a awfully slow driver, she just kept touching 60 and going slower, then touching 60 all the time!! Just went DING *few...
  9. CieL

    Beauty Regime

    Skincare: Estee moisturiser once daily (more when weather gets dry) Makeup: Lipbalm Haircare: Shampoo+conditioner everyday Body: Moisture and shave when needed Damn short list.. sif Tulipa doesn't take care of herself ahaha
  10. CieL

    BBC hoodie?

    Huh.. no.. he bought a prelude.. in auto
  11. CieL

    Speed Limiters at 120??!

    ahhha limiters at 120.. then why the hell has the market been focusing on making bigger and better engines? And what about the current cars which aren't limited? are they all going back to the dealer to get limited? what a waste of time and money. I can't see it happening.. there's...
  12. CieL

    P's in Wetherill Park

    this is my best advice to everyone who's going for their reds: Follow L platers that just leave the RTA whom are also being examined.. trust me, they wont notice you.. plus you get to know the routes that they go along, instead of aimlessly dawdling along.. don't be obvious though.. if you lose...
  13. CieL

    Cars with faulty brake lights...

    A-haaaaa X] Well.. even on my ex-corolla both lights worked.. maybe it's a pretty factor.. looks better with one light.. sorta.. less retarded.. *shrugs*
  14. CieL

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    Due this friday? In the holidays?? Or is it just some crappy online test? What did you guys focus on anyway? I did schoolyard ahahhahhaha I wonder if alot of people did it or not..
  15. CieL

    Cars with faulty brake lights...

    Hehe.. I got 5.. did you include the one in the middle? I reckon that's the best invention.. especially on the vans with dull light covers.. you don't really notice it when they do step on brakes since it doesn't get much redder..
  16. CieL

    Double Demerit Long Weekend

    The blowing ones suck.. First time I blew into it, I didnt expect to exhale for so long, I ran outta breath halfway and had to do it all over again
  17. CieL

    scarf at work anybody?

    Yer well there's quite a few ways to fold up the scarf.. and the knots can vary.. also the length and fabric of the scarf..
  18. CieL

    Q about wireless

    "force" it to connect? Dont you just.. um.. sit there and wait till it detects a signal?
  19. CieL

    Double Demerit Long Weekend

    Hm.. well they have been around for quite a bit.. I remember my friend telling me about her mum talking into one of those AHHAHAHA.. "wuntofreeforfifesixseveneighnine.. TEHHHHHN!" <- fob talk if you haven't realised
  20. CieL

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    Yeah, that's why there's a "15 and under penalty".. but for radars and crap I dont think they really give a damn if you're say.. 2km/hr over.. So theory is.. if you got the money.. and you want to speed.. speed 30 over (but not more) since you lose the same number of points as an under 15 heheh