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    Aargh! I completely agree! WHY IS SHE ON THERE?
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    Harry Potter 7: Two Films

    You've made your point well. I think that all of those points (when they happened in the movie) were followed be my screams of "THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!" accompanied by my cousin and dad wrestling me to the ground.
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    Harry Potter 7: Two Films

    What?! The Burrow being attacked in HBP?? Those producers will have HP fans after them with pitchforks before long. I can guarantee it.
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    Harry Potter 7: Two Films

    Exactly. Completely agree with you there. Is it so hard to make an even reasonable attempt to produce a movie similar to the books?
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    Dropping Subjects (Yr 12)

    I would drop RE, but sadly I'm at a Catholic school where we're forced to die clutching RE textbooks. Um... I'll probably go with the Textiles-dropping... who knows? And yay for journalism!!! English and I are completely fine...
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    Amount of free periods?

    I wish I could.
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    Dropping Subjects (Yr 12)

    Ahh OK.
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    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    Damn that. Grr. I'll probably do Ext. History.
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    Dropping Subjects (Yr 12)

    True. Sigh. Who knows?? I'll do Ext. History, then. I guess. :S
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    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    Probably Dist. Ed Spanish, and Textiles (if my parents have their way). I'll pick up 2U RE if I'm allowed. And definitely ext. 2 eng.
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    Extension English Story: what do you think

    OK, in bold on the first post is it pretty much amended. One teacher recommended to me that I "enhance the point of conflict" in the scene where her brother comes to her home, so that he can truly wash his hands of her and that it seems plausible for her to be left alone. Ideas anyone? I've...
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    Dropping Subjects (Yr 12)

    OK. And then, is it possible to pick up 2U RE? I'm doing 1U now as I said. I want to drop Spanish as well... Mum and Dad are harping at me "DROP TEXTILES" so... well... yeah...
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    Dropping Subjects (Yr 12)

    I don't know, Fashion Journalism could be fun. Ish. Um... in regards to failing or whatever. I'm not too sure. I'm doing OK in all, I've been away for so long! I'll post up my marks when I get my half-yearlies back.
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    I loved it.
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    Dropping Subjects (Yr 12)

    Hey all. My parents have started in on me about the "You should drop these subjects" and, really, I'm not too sure which I should keep or drop. What do you think? I want to go into Journalism if it makes any difference. My Subjects: ~Textiles (2U) ~Spanish (2U done Distance Ed) ~Legal...
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    Amount of free periods?

    Me too. I have 2 days with 3 frees. All in a row.
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    Amount of free periods?

    I think it's just more confusing. Maybe. Oh well. You get used to it. I have 12 frees because of Distance Ed.
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    year 11 - historical investigation

    Heinrich Schliemann's in the excel books, as far as I know. He also crops up in our textbook (Antiquity 1... don't know if you have it).
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    Your favoutire exam conditions

    That's going to be funny when they get their exams back, you think they'd realise that you weren't exactly in their class. Or that their exam looked slightly different to yours.
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    Your favoutire exam conditions

    I just did my exams in solitary confinement, and I have to prefer being in the room with everyone else than being by myself. It doesn't really feel exam-ish and I spend heaps of time staring out windows. Then again, it's also good because of silence-like stuff. And I had music going, because...