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    Jane Austen

    Definitely was in the movie, not too sure about the book (only part way through)... but yeah, I loved that part too!
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    HELP! Legal Studies Question

    OK, basically, the law is influenced by society as a whole, because that is one of the characteristics of law (it needs to be suited to the society we're in, and that's why it changes internationally). This influence that society has on the law comes down to those areas you said - legal, imposed...
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    Yeah, it is, except for if you choose Standard English in year 11 and 12, apparently.
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    What are your career aspirations?

    Journalist... although one that reports happy stuff. Not the whole "Today a car bomb went off and this many people died. Despite the fact that white people were involved, we're not going to mention that, and instead point the finger at others". Then I will eventually become a writer/novelist...
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    I liked Catcher in the Rye, although I didn't study it. I read it when my brother 'studied' it.
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    Exam moods/thoughts/assumptions/confidence levels etc

    That's what solitary confinement does to you. Drains you out. Slowly makes you insane. I remember one year, I wrote song lyrics all over my plastic sleeve thing... and as I was up the back, Mr Raeburn and I were having a heated discussion as to the crapness of my lyrics/bands/songs. Then the...
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    How many units for yr 11?

    I had 12 units, but 2 of those were for Distance-Ed. My workload was pretty easy considering.
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    Exam moods/thoughts/assumptions/confidence levels etc

    '... I wonder how long I have left. Why? Why am I even here doing this exam? Maybe I can escape if I use that picture to smash that window and then flee the school... hang on... maybe I should write a bit... there... hmm... our school looks very weird from aerial view... and I still can't...
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    I'd have loved to do a Jane Austen unit... but no, we didn't get to. Maybe I'll be lucky next year :D
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    Intro For English Speech, Princess Diaries and Henry IV

    That's an interesting idea - I would go with quotes, personally. Matt's idea of engaging the audience is an absolute must. Defining it is just too... I can't think of what the word is (sorry, it's early). But I have to tell you NO!!! DON'T!! (At least, for me. I probably have done it before, but...
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    Yeah. That's what I meant. Not the whole website or book or whatever.
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    Put the reference in brackets after the quote. Footnoting is much easier, but for reasons I don't know, teachers enjoy making us reference in brackets, so even though it is a direct quote, you've still got to put its source in brackets.
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    Should Maths be Compulsory?

    Damn straight!
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    19 y.o. freak bodybuilder

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    Mastering English = Possible?

    Em... damn! Why are you SO SMART?!
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    The structure of an english speech?

    And then, while saying it, stare them down, even though it's the freakiest thing in the world to do. I like personally hiding behind palm cards, but the markers don't :P
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    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys At the demands of one of my friends... Tashtron. To match her Liskibot. (She likes robots :shy: )
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    What should i choose for my historical investigation?

    I was going to do Assyria for my one. They seem awesome, in a kind of bloodthirsty way. Or do a topic that's loosely related to your topics next year (e.g. if you're doing Nero do Agrippina as a topic).
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    Harry Potter 7: Two Films

    I never read Eragon, because the movie turned me completely off it. I am especially thankful that I read HP before I saw the movies.
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    Bad Marking

    This may seem somewhat stupid of me, but I've never done maths assignments. What CAN you put in a bibliography? Aren't you just learning formulas or whatever? It's not as though one source will change from another (like for the area of a circle).