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  1. H

    Subjects- 13 units??

    theres a pro and con to do the min and 13. its seriously up to you. if u think doing the min would make u put more effect into all 11 of ur units then go for it. if ur not confident about any 11 of those units then prob good idea not to drop. i had 2 majors this yr and if i had kept 13...
  2. H

    how much money have you spent on study guides, tutoring, study camps etc.?

    :eek: omg tht is crazy.... almost a yr of school fees:S
  3. H

    how much money have you spent on study guides, tutoring, study camps etc.?

    $400 for textbooks... thats about it :) majors on the otherhand about $400 for textiles and $150 for visual arts....:S
  4. H

    Elective Help - Info please

    :D if my b/f could see ur post now it would be a big nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol well from wat ive heard, it is a really really really hard concept to grasp, even with the best english students. theres no one cut defination to it. it might be interesting but i think the...
  5. H

    where is everyone up to in MTP?

    please DO NOT leave the portfolio till even a night before, you need to give urself at least 2 soild days to make it presentable and have all the correct info. because mine was due so early in to the school i could still go back during trials to finish bits and pieces of, mostly decorative but...
  6. H

    CSSA Visual Arts Paper

    i thought it was ok... i did the 1st conceptual framework one about shocking audiences. i didnt like the panels though...
  7. H

    Maximum Weighting of the English Trial

    is your school seperating the trial paper tho? so say ur trial is worth 45% one of the essay is worth 20%, that essay is classified as another assessment? if not i think you should ask about it :) good luck
  8. H

    Not sure if I should do both modern and ancient history

    it depends, history is a subject u have to give 100% to get 100%. i do modern n not anciet mainly due to the topics in ancient didnt strike me. but modern is very politically based in what you learn so keep that in mind. its a fantastic subject but ive had to put about 4-5hrs at macquire uni...
  9. H

    Speculative Fiction ppL!!! anyone do cyteen? handmaid's tale?

    our teacher personally didnt want us to suffer through cyteen :D lol so we're doing handmaid's lotr n dune= so boring and dull, even the mini series is thick :S anyways, by doing a topic thats not everyone does, it gives you an edge comparative to the rest of the state, so do a good essay and...
  10. H

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trials Thoughts xD o.o wow.. thats quick... havent got any back... mainly cause we dont have to be back till tuesday.... but woah thats efficient:eek:... lol
  11. H

    school captain/prefects thoughts

    Re: School captainincy nominations who says it is a popularity contest? lol just because ur liked, doesnt mean ur 'popular', i think theres always a negative cornatation to that term.... i dont think that term even exists in our grade anymore. it just means that those who've known you and know...
  12. H

    Maximum Weighting of the English Trial

    paper 1 + paper 2 = 20% my biggest weighting for English was aos which had 3 parts and was worth 30% all together.
  13. H

    school captain/prefects thoughts

    Re: School captainincy nominations good point ;) what ur going for is going to be different from src per say... the src is for changes, representation of the student body. As captain however, ur the representation for the school, meaning you will love the school no matter what:D lol... not...
  14. H

    South Africa 1960- 1994

    yep the only testbook has to be imported from the UK.... :(.... well almost done now:)
  15. H

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: My trials now over! :( i envy u all... finish on this friday ....
  16. H


    Re: Formal? our yr 12 formal's at acer arena (aka superdome) not sure how much it is... its on 21st of nov so its quite good timing before everyone goes of to schoolies. our yr 11 social was at this place in granville, quite a nice place actually, with mocktails and stuff... yr 10 was at...
  17. H

    where is everyone up to in MTP?

    all finished and handed in on the 1st of august :) our teacher wanted it due before trials started n then displayed next week before finally taking it to the bos :)
  18. H

    school captain/prefects thoughts

    Re: School captainincy nominations well, from experience i say the students at ur school and ur teachers would already have their mind made up. chances are what u do around the school for the school would affect how the teachers vote. as for the general student body, if they like u, think your...
  19. H

    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    just chose anything, u can change ur preferance right up till january ;)
  20. H

    2008 Modern History Trial

    anyone did nelson mandela South Africa and anglo-irish relations (Northern Ireland)? our WW1 Core study was all changed...