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  1. H

    High rank = immunity?

    is it the bos who moderates these marks internal and external?
  2. H

    sorry for another uai/hsc marks question.

    as the title suggest im aware there are many post out there like this but i just wanted to clarify something in my head. ok so the general idea seems to be, that if you are ranked 3rd 89 in internal marks u would get the 3rd external mark lets say its 92 and then its the average of the two? my...
  3. H

    Jsutice Game anyone worrying about the essay?

    they can but its unlikely. i not confident at all with his essay i dont feel i understand it completely to write a good response. and my sources aren't strong trials it was one source should i do 2 just in case?
  4. H

    "the medium is the message"??? CSSA trials

    it was about how the medium was used to portray the 'truth' ie Robertson used his book (the medium) in an attempt to change the legal system, by altering the 'turth' within the court cases he took part in using (insert language techniques)
  5. H

    Least Favourite Text for section one.

    i found them all okbut text 3 has to be my least favoruite... almost as bad as 'heritage house' for those who did the cssa trial paper this yr...
  6. H

    1 related material or 2

    we had always been told to prepare two... if u did one well it wont be too bad but the criteria wont be filled
  7. H

    For people doing Coleridge as core text

    we got told it was unlikly but if on the smallest chance tht they did our teacher told us to bullshit it by linking what ever poem it is that they what to the one ur doing just generally... my suggestion is just to briefly understand each one but it shouldnt be tht specific... good luck!
  8. H

    imaginitive journey of charcter, reader and audience

    not a bad move if it works n u stick to how this adds to the consequences of an I.J just make sure each paragraph isnt too long :) good luck
  9. H

    I never get the question, or I always go off topic in essays. What should I do?

    go beyond what the question is actually says. theres always a common theme with its relevence to contemporary society. take a look again at past questions now ;) u just need the core themes really not nessery knowledge of the whole play as in an in deapth analysis but it couldnt hurt i suppose.
  10. H

    Advanced English tomorrow

    depends how much u can write in 45mins. and also how well u do them its more worthwild doing 2 really well and in depth then to do 4 sloppy just to fit in 4...
  11. H

    I never get the question, or I always go off topic in essays. What should I do?

    ok i used to have this problem until i realised that essays depending on the eletive are always going to ask to same sorta questions. for example, no matter how they phrase it journeys essays are also going to ask to the consequences of a journey weather u've learnt something from it or see...
  12. H

    English: writing books

    with smooth pages :P
  13. H

    Anyone else's UAI getting dragged down cause of English?

    i feel quite confident... as my teacher put it n shes a senior marker, its not nesssery now much u know its how well u can bullshit/....
  14. H

    Today i....

    im at a lose tho... they sold these awsome pilot pens (made from 76% recycled material; apprently) in blue but failed to stock any black ones :(
  15. H

    Today i....

    went to school to get a practice essay back then proceeded to purchase 2 newww blue medium grip pens for maximum speeds:p... even though the hsc booklets have smooth pages anyways:P and two highlighters:)... so who else is prepared:D hehe
  16. H

    what do we wear

    graduated...yes signed out of school?... nope...
  17. H

    SC Monitors are they strict???

    lol perhaps only she said it like 3 times after every exam... its like embeded in my mind :D... one of the supervisors was my friends dad from my old school who lived around the area... so maybe shes still around too:D... we shall see on friday :s
  18. H

    SC Monitors are they strict???

    i remember we had to put our phones in a box n that was in out coordintors office for the day. everyone was quite good actualy cause we were told external supervisors dont have the afflication or nessery know you on a personal level so therefore wont care if it was the 1t time ever uve done...
  19. H

    what do we wear

    yep that was the same for us full school uniform or else they wont let u sit it or delay u until you fix it ... at least its not winter... half-yearlies included blazers...
  20. H

    yr 12.. IN A YEAR !

    hehe i do.. i feel old:P... but seriously dont burn out next yr(yr 11) before what actually counts begins ;) for now i shall continue with my note writing before relaxing in front of the tv:P hehe