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  1. Tulipa

    Problems with my sister

    Duh people. DUH.
  2. Tulipa

    Am i missing something?

    Haha that's such a lie. The walk from the station to UOW is about 15 minutes. The shuttle takes about 5. I spent three years commuting to UOW from Sydney and I always made classes on time without waiting around for hours.
  3. Tulipa

    Am i missing something?

    The 7:32am train from Central gets into North Wollongong station around 9:13am. The shuttle bus from the station to uni should get you there just in time for a 9:30 class. Are you checking the actual Cityrail timetable? Most trains will get you to North Wollongong less than a half hour before...
  4. Tulipa


    Unless they've changed this in the last year, you don't enrol for creative writing tutorials online. The classes are typically quite small so your lecturer will organise you into two different tutorial groups during your first lecture.
  5. Tulipa

    Superbowl XLIV. Whos your tip?

    Fuck Peyton Manning and fuck the Colts. Even though they beat the Vikings, I'm all for the Saints. Someone's gotta root for the (very much deserving) underdogs.
  6. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    Seven Types of Ambiguity by Elliot Perlman. So far it's quite interesting and it's nice to read a solid novel from a contemporary Australian writer.
  7. Tulipa

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    I've just been flying long routes for a really long time and when you can get the same flight for a better or equal price and with a better airline, then why put up with the worst? LA is also a hub for VA so eh. I only fly Qantas to and from the US anyways. And Lufthansa is good. I've only...
  8. Tulipa

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    If you can try to fly Virgin America or JetBlue. Both new, both really good. AA is practically just as bad as United. All the older airlines are really on par in terms of terrible customer service. The newer startups are trying a lot harder. They may not have as many routes but try anyways.
  9. Tulipa

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    Yes. But you'd have to fly United... Worst airline I've ever had to deal with. I refuse to fly them.
  10. Tulipa

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    Qantas used to fly in and out of San Fran and I was able to get some connections to Seattle/Chicago/Dallas. Just doesn't really work anymore - times are all screwy.
  11. Tulipa

    I need to read something.

    face.palm. Yes. I have studied her before. I know all that. I guess you missed my use of bolding though. What I meant was, what do you have to back up this claim: And it's a very funny joke. If by funny you mean juvenile and moronic.
  12. Tulipa

    I need to read something.

    Middlesex and Virgin Suicides are both written by Jeffrey Eugenides. Both are amazing but I tend to find Virgin Suicides to be a tad overrated (thanks to the movie adaptation). Middlesex is definitely his masterpiece in my mind and it was the one that won the Pulitzer after all :p Give...
  13. Tulipa

    Fat Tax

    This appeals to the part of me that is bitter about the rising taxes on cigarettes. But like Cat said, retarded tax is retarded.
  14. Tulipa

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    It was in the old Tom Bradley International Airport as well. Which they're still in the middle of redoing. Apparently it won't be done for another year and they've already been working on it for about eighteen months. Not going to lie, I used to love it when Sydney - LA Qantas flights used T4...
  15. Tulipa

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    12 hours in LAX on the way back from the States. Wanted to kill myself by the end of it.
  16. Tulipa

    I need to read something.

    I edited my post to include it :p but if you liked Miriam then read the rest of his shorts. Both collections are really good though I don't know if Other Voices, Other Rooms is as popular as Music for Chameleons. I liked his novels enough but I really think Capote did best in short story form...
  17. Tulipa

    I need to read something.

    For sure. In Cold Blood or any of his short story collections. Just remember to take everything he says with a grain of salt. And Breakfast at Tiffany's isn't bad. It's just not one of my favorites. Other Voices, Other Rooms and Music for Chameleons are amazing though. But keep in mind that I...
  18. Tulipa

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    Adelaide -> Sydney -> LA -> Dallas -> Orlando. Fucking thirtysomething hours of airplanes and airports. I only really dislike long layovers and the wait between landing and getting to the gate. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with everything. Probably just referring to the LA - Sydney flight...
  19. Tulipa

    I need to read something.

    I'm sorry but what the hell? Do you have anything to back that up with, otherwise it sounds like a load of bullshit. The Bell Jar is interesting. It was a "thing" to read that at my school in about year 10 or 11. I think it's well written but the many negative stereotypes of Sylvia seem to...
  20. Tulipa

    Why do people think bisexual males are just gay?

    People are more inclined to see people as straight until there is irrefutable proof in their place. The default position on sexuality is always (and unfortunately) that people are straight until proven otherwise. And people think bisexual males are just gay because they're members of a...