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  1. Tulipa


    Pffft. Caffeine, cigarettes and gum are a food group for a lot of uni students I know. Typically two cups of black coffee and cereal/muesli/toast for me though.
  2. Tulipa

    don't marry your lover, marry your best friend

    Some of us with happily married parents have no interest in marriage. Random assumptions like that don't really work. I think if I was to ever consider marriage, it'd have to be with someone who I felt that consummate love for. Anything less and why bother?
  3. Tulipa

    vampire weekend

    Check out The Kooks, Cold War Kids, Tokyo Police Club, Spoon and The Kills as well.
  4. Tulipa

    girls would you sleep with fat guys?

    I'll admit that I'm pretty shallow so no, I wouldn't sleep with anyone who I'd consider overweight. I prefer slim over everything but a normal build is fine. Once rolls of fat come into play, I just don't think I'd find them at all attractive.
  5. Tulipa

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Six piercings (two in each ear, tongue and nose) and this tattoo: Almost a month old now.
  6. Tulipa

    Most drunk you've ever been [where and when]

    Open bar at the rebranding of the Metro. I spent 6pm-12am drinking as much booze as possible and then 12am-6am puking my guts up. Since I drank on an empty stomach it was mostly dry heaving and bits of thick fluorescent yellow bile.
  7. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I know. I figured it out after its last post :( I always forget how many trolls are in NCAP.
  8. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    :spzz: Fucking what. Actually no. I've heard this so many times it's not even funny. But it pretty much invalidates any opinion you could provide in this thread.
  9. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    There are a number of heterosexual people who engage in anal sex too. It's not restricted to gay males. Also, what about lesbian sexual behaviour? I wouldn't really say that female-female sex has "compounded the problem". All that being said, it's important to note that not all homosexuals...
  10. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So you're comparing shooting people with a gun to homosexuality... Because they both obviously cause death and destruction. Oh wait, isn't that homophobia that spews hate and incites violence? :rolleyes:
  11. Tulipa

    <18 Starting Uni?

    I was 17 for the first semester of uni. Got served at Unibar during the day but if you're too paranoid, you can always get your friends to get you beers. I've never ever in four years been ID'd there. Also used to get into Glasshouse (*shudder*) because I lived on campus and they never checked...
  12. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    Falling Man by Don DeLillo. So far, it's amazing. Almost as good as Underworld.
  13. Tulipa

    Has anyone ever bought a book online before?

    Bookdepository is the best online bookstore. Don't go any where else unless they don't have what you're looking for. Good prices, free shipping and everything always arrives in great condition.
  14. Tulipa

    Creative Arts Interview Letter 09

    Oh man Josh is awesome. Seriously love that guy. He's insanely intelligent and one of the best lecturers I ever had at uni. He's not a poetry fan though (had many an argument on that point :p) but after first year you never have to do it again if you don't want to. And some of the people in my...
  15. Tulipa

    a question for bisexuals...

    Not really? It's always nice to meet someone interesting and attractive, regardless of gender.
  16. Tulipa

    Creative Arts Interview Letter 09

    Just out of curiosity, who interviewed you? I finished creative writing last year and as there's been a bit of a turnover in faculty lately, it'd be interesting to see who they've got doing the interviews.
  17. Tulipa

    boob jobs

    Hers actually feel pretty good because they're not huge. I have felt rock hard round weird fake boobs before and they're just shit. Not fun to look at, feel or anything. Another valid reason for getting a boob job - after a mastectomy.
  18. Tulipa

    boob jobs

    I have a friend who got a boob job when she turned 18. However, she was literally flat (couldn't even fill out an A cup) and felt incredibly self concious because she did look weirdly out of proportion. Now she's like a 10C and they look great - you can't tell she's had anything done. She's...
  19. Tulipa

    Wud u prefer a virgin or some1 experienced?

    8 is not a big number. If a woman marries at 29 and lost her virginity when she was 16 or so, that's not even one new person a year. And sleeping with one or two different people a year is not slutty. I wouldn't really want to sleep with a virgin but it all depends on the circumstances...