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  1. Tulipa

    Under what circumstance(s) would you see a psychologist?

    ...Yeah. Support is helpful, advice like that not so much. But whatever. When you're 16/17 talking to a psychologist about issues like this can be incredibly daunting but it can also prevent you taking adolescent issues and carrying them across into your adult life. The sooner you sort things...
  2. Tulipa

    Under what circumstance(s) would you see a psychologist?

    Just be wary of throwing out blanket statements just because it sounds like it may apply. It sounded considerate but I know a lot of people who have ongoing problems because for a long time they refused to look at what they thought to be peripheral issues but instead turned out to be much more...
  3. Tulipa

    Under what circumstance(s) would you see a psychologist?

    Yeah so epic face palm at ayo. You're just finishing high school. You really think you're that knowledgeable on this kind of stuff? Perhaps it'd be a better idea to not make blanket statements and instead realise you're not a qualified professional. Many school counsellors are not that great...
  4. Tulipa

    Sex ed

    I think people are way too close minded about sex and the human body. These things are completely natural. I find it weird that we place such a taboo on discussing them. I remember a picture book from when I was a kid that had a picture displaying each part of the body and saying what each...
  5. Tulipa

    What's your sexuality.

    How is a sexuality meant to work for you? It's just an arbitrary definition attached to who you are sexually attracted to. It's not a definition for who you are as a person and I don't understand people who put so much emphasis on defining themselves through their sexuality. Straight...
  6. Tulipa

    Doc martins.

    Try ebay or look at online stores. I would really recommend avoiding the stores here as Docs are ridiculously overpriced in Australia. I got a pair in the States earlier this year for abut $110 and when I got back I found the same style sold for $300-$350 here. Friend of mine just managed to...
  7. Tulipa

    Question for the boys ...

    I'm kinda the same. I'll take small perky tits over anything else. A-B cup is fine with me. And even though I'm not a guy, I'll answer the thread Q anyways: big girls don't do it for me at all. Not into big tits or really, big anything. All of the girls I've gone for have been petite.
  8. Tulipa

    What's your sexuality.

    Why voluntarily classify yourself at all then? I find myself both emotionally and physically attracted to both genders but if I'm pressed to classify myself I'll say I'm bisexual because that's what my sexuality "technically" is. Otherwise, I don't really pay it too much attention. Why bother...
  9. Tulipa

    Question for the boys ...

    Everything has to be in proportion. I find bigger girls without boobs to look really strange as well.
  10. Tulipa

    Length Limit?

    ... Riiiiight. Are you sure you've seen one? There is too small and there is too big when it comes to guys. I've encountered both and they both make sex uncomfortable or awkward.
  11. Tulipa

    The Hobbit

    That too. I can normally deal with dense writing if it can still pull me into the narrative but his writing style just seems to keep readers off at arm's length.
  12. Tulipa

    The Hobbit

    To be honest, I barely managed to finish this and couldn't get in LOTR at all. The story was okay but it's one of those things that I'm just not really interested in.
  13. Tulipa

    Asian guys are out-competed by white guys for asian girls

    Yeah, this is done. Generalisations and racist comments aside, there are a number of threads already discussing interracial relationships and this has wandered far enough off topic.
  14. Tulipa

    Is this normal?

    Either put up and shut up. Or break up with her. Preeeeeeetty simple either way. But as has been reiterated, it's not normal, it's not something she has no control over and she's a psycho bitch who shouldn't be given free reign to do whatever she wants.
  15. Tulipa

    Two Words

    Refer to other thread. She's insane. Get out.
  16. Tulipa

    Is this normal?

    Well obviously. Insane girls are always good in bed. It's their only redeeming quality. But don't bitch about it if you're not going to do anything about it. It's not normal and most people wouldn't put up with it. By letting her get away with it, you're letting her walk all over you.
  17. Tulipa

    Two Words

    Because simply saying the words doesn't necessarily mean anything. You can easily say sorry without meaning it.
  18. Tulipa

    Is this normal?

    She's got insane mood swings and a manipulative personality by the sounds of it. So why are you still with her?
  19. Tulipa

    the only thing worth reading on this page.

    I am not friends with anyone who meets those criteria. In fact, I often openly shown comtempt for people who have southern cross tattoos, feel the need to go around shirtless 24/7 and has a rat's tail. Here's a key thing for you to remember: STOP GENERALISING :) 96% of girls? Really. Then I'd...
  20. Tulipa

    Regarding the slut/hero female/male double standard

    Are you not complaining about it now :confused: Also, that's definitely a racial issue that doesn't really affect you in the same way. It's politically incorrect for you to use a word that was created by white men in order to be derogatory. There are issues of "reclaiming" words and such but...