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  1. Tulipa

    Dude I don't get your latest rep comment.

    Dude I don't get your latest rep comment.
  2. Tulipa

    I need to do this assignment but lacking motivation

    This is me right now. It's due in 15 hours and I just cannot physically bring myself to really get into it.
  3. Tulipa

    Sydney Writer's Festival 2009

    Plus three extended intervals where you can stare at the top of my head! I'm determined to go even if I go by myself though. Are you not coming out tomorrow night?
  4. Tulipa

    Sydney Writer's Festival 2009

    Shall we? Which day would you want to do it? I'm good for Saturday the 30th or the split thing next week.
  5. Tulipa

    Sydney Writer's Festival 2009

    Okay I really really really want to go see Gatz as well but no one wants to go with me either. They all frek out when I say it's a 6 hour thing.
  6. Tulipa

    QUESTION TO ALL 2nd Year and above uni students

    Why not speak up? It's a simple solution to a pretty simple problem. Also, a previous poster said they got 5/10 for attendance and the other 5 for actual participation and that's been my experience as well. I've always gotten full marks for participation because I don't know when to shut up...
  7. Tulipa

    Is being bisexual just one step away from being gay?

    Yeah, I'd agree with that. I know one other person who identifies as bisexual but they mostly fuck guys and have relationships with girls. I'm similar. I don't think I could have a relationship with a girl anytime soon but one night stands or random hook ups with women are far more enjoyable...
  8. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Yeah... Nowhere in that post did you convince me that marriage, as a word and thus an institution, belongs to religion and thus, homosexuals can only get civil unions. I could've said the pretty much same thing and then changed the last sentence to "Just let homosexuals get married anyways"...
  9. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    The issue with civil unions, and I agree, is if marriage = civil union then aren't people just being very precious over a simple word? And marriage these days is become more of a secular thing anyways and again, as pointed out by another poster above, gay marriage is about being legally...
  10. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So you mean that the church redefined marriage to make it so women weren't property anymore? Gasp. So what's wrong with them redefining marriage to make it between two people instead of a man and a woman?
  11. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    It pre-dates recorded history. The Ancient Greeks did it, so did the Romans and the ancient Chinese were doing it around 5000 B.C. as well. Plus, interestingly enough, the Nuer tribe in Sudan allow for same-sex marriage too. Basically, it's been around since before the traditional institutions...
  12. Tulipa

    For the girls

    None of the above. My favorite compliment is when someone says something about me being slim or asking if I've lost weight. Otherwise, probably boobs because I hate mine so it's nice to know someone likes them.
  13. Tulipa

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Wait, why? Marriage hasn't always been a 'religious' thing. The Abrahamic religions adopted it but they didn't create it and it shouldn't be seen as something that belongs to them.
  14. Tulipa

    What kind of Coffee has the nicest taste?

    I'm American. It's what we do. I prefer drip coffee either way.
  15. Tulipa

    What kind of Coffee has the nicest taste?

    Blah. None of you drink coffee properly. Always black. Maybe one sugar. No milk.
  16. Tulipa

    happy alone? legit excuse? FML

    Some people just don't want relationships. The best thing to do would be to hang out with him as a friend, like you've been doing and accept the fact that nothing will happen. Or, if that hurts too much, get yourself out of the whole situation. I find that if someone doesn't want a...
  17. Tulipa

    Quitting Smoking

    Been four days without a cigarette and I've only had two since last Thursday. I'm coughing up all kinds of crap but otherwise I'm actually feeling better. Spent hours at unibar yesterday with friends and a number of them smoke but while I had some cravings, it wasn't too hard. How're you doing...
  18. Tulipa

    height....whats ur opnion

    To stop this thread from being derailed I'd recommend looking at the Lifestyle and Fitness forum and searching there for tips.
  19. Tulipa

    height....whats ur opnion

    Carbs. And lots of them. Also, work out more. Muscle wears more than fat.
  20. Tulipa

    height....whats ur opnion

    Uh yeah. You are pretty fucking underweight.