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  1. funkshen

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do you believe is God? agnosticism is not about belief. gnostic literally means knowledge. agnosticism/gnosticism are knowledge (truth) claims. agnostics do not claim to know whether god exists. gnostics claim that to know that god does or does not does exist. atheism/theism are positions...
  2. funkshen

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do you believe is God? abrahamic conceptions and arguments of religion and theism are inevitably constituted by the dogma of their scriptures. obviously, these scriptures are irrelevant in arguing teleology, or about innate spirituality, or applying concepts such as human nature or logic...
  3. funkshen

    Occupy Wall St

    interesting conversation i played soccer from ages 9-15
  4. funkshen

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do you believe is God? Look at zeus
  5. funkshen

    Occupy Wall St

    free western australia
  6. funkshen

    andrew bolt GUILTY

    cannabummadurry bruz
  7. funkshen

    Teen girl dies doing erotic asphyxiation

    how about issuing licenses for the use of any length of rope, string (including noodles) or wire?
  8. funkshen

    Teen girl dies doing erotic asphyxiation

    ban autoerotic asphyxiation
  9. funkshen

    Got asked about intro to libertarianism in a PM

    yeah. you could read dewey as well but he does not present his ideas with the parsimony of rawls. and if you don't want to read nozick you can read jaspers, although the english translations aren't the best.
  10. funkshen

    Troops in Iraq

    I'm not saying Afghanistan is perfect (far from it), although on the moral compass they are much better placed than the US imperialists (who are infidels)
  11. funkshen

    Got asked about intro to libertarianism in a PM

    maybe he just needs to pray
  12. funkshen

    Got asked about intro to libertarianism in a PM

    if you only read one of these, I suggest you read Nozick's Anarchy, State and Utopia. and if you do so, try and read Rawls too. they each provide an arguably practical (yet competing) frameworks for considering real life political issues edit: Nozick also believes the minarchist state is...
  13. funkshen

    Israel Taking Over the World

    all i want to know is why WHY
  14. funkshen

    gambling precommittment

    criminalise absurdity
  15. funkshen

    Troops in Iraq

    m8 the whole point about this "TROOPS OUTTA IRAK" nonsense is that it belies the long-term continued presence of military contractors, reconstruction agencies, US advisory forces, and international organisations. we're not "leaving iraq"
  16. funkshen

    Israel Taking Over the World

    seriously cosmo
  17. funkshen

    Libya to be ruled under Sharia law

    america the glorious bastion of freedom implements sharia law
  18. funkshen

    Left vs Right (and everything inbetween)

    cosmo can you stop with the threads