this one:
is it recent?
If not, does anyone know of any book that covers recent hsc questions topic by topic?
When sketching logs, is there a way besides plotting points to sketch the more complex ones like:
showing asymptotes and intercepts?
How to do you find asymptotes and intercepts without plotting points, or is that the only way?
Im not having trouble with proving stuff, but rather writing the proofs for each theorem. Im not sure what to write for each one. this may sound dumb but I can't afford to write out the whole theorem, and I cant be too brief...fussy teacher.
So what should I write for each theorem?
Formula/Summary PDF for all HSC Maths!
Came across this and noticed it wasn't on here already. It is a summary and formula PDF book for everything in all levels of HSC maths (not sure bout general though):
Here are approx 70 past papers for maths from bos and other schools. CSSA, Independent, NEAP and ARC papers were removed and cannot be uploaded unfortunately due to all the copyright rules.
Also a questions by topic file for hsc papers from 1984-1997.
I am quite interest in risk management, but in banking/finance. Actuarial is more addressed to insurance, which I am not really interested in. What degrees/careers are best for risk management in the banking/finance industry?
I would assume that a Finance major would be appropriate, anything...
I'm looking for a study guide that is on the new syllabus. Excel doesn't have preliminary one for the new syllabus, only HSC. I have the Excel book for the old syllabus from the school library, but I would prefer something that covers exactly what I need to know for my test next week. Any...
Just found these videos and they are pretty good. Have seen this guy around before and you probably have too, but here are heaps of them in one place.
Can I please get help with Q5.C and F. Could you just explain what to do before actually doing it.
I'm learning ahead so i haven't actually done any of this before.