Hey i am looking for some tutors to help me especially biology and pe does anyone know where i can get or inquire in a type of site?
Much appreciate your assisstance!
Yeah i was curious whether it is true what people say that the more prestigious awards you get from school in yr 12 the higher chance you can get into the things u want such as universities etc...Is it true or not?
pls help me understand....thank you! =)
I was curious whether this is true....is the trials always hard and apparently the hsc is pretty easy....thats what ive heard from previous students....who did the hsc..
HEYY ppl there was a Studies of Religion lectures at ACU today!!!
who when from this site?!
There were alot school in there today
overall it was a great day lots of notes I took :D
what about the people who when? Did you guys enjoy that?
Hello ppl,
I was just curious if more periods are better for a student and will it benefit them with the extra periods each day to get good marks for there hsc marks and is it a wise thing?
e.g. Me = 4 periods a day but some friends of mine have 6 or 7 however they are shorter....
I am not...
Heyy ppl, just wondering if a teacher is bias towards one student, can it be a good advantage towards that student? or is it a negative thing?
btw in consideration two of my teacehrs are i 'think' bias towards me, and i think its a good thing for me because i get good marks plus i get this...
Just a question to ppl out there, my class just did our test based on spartan society and most of the people cheated, and ofcourse i snitch quietly because to be honest its a bad thing...but i was wondering did i do the right thing....
Question, I was wondering if playing stupid/dumb in class can have an advantage during when a test might come up...I mean it is a wise thing to act dumb so people don't copy you until the moment when u surprise everyone in class that u got the best mark in class???
Hii everyone just wondering if you guys can help me with Debating, i know the base of it but need further advice etc etc especially my team who currently lose today..OMG second loss of the tournament...
Many thanks Domskyz :)
Hii guys this thread is just a fun thread and it's mainly about 'New interesting words' you may have been taught or encountered in school...
Feel free to share any new and interesting word for people to benefit from, you never know you might be able to use this for something e.g Debating or...
Heey ppl, I was wondering since were all yr 12's here and were graduating in a few months...
What will you ppl miss in your school? and why/why not :D
I know i gonna miss my expensive canteen (lol) and my great teachers :D
Heey guys just wondering what should i put for my 80 pages of timber portfolio?!
i have gotten most of the things tht needs to be there but i need more!?!
any suggestions!!
Heey guys, just want to know if anyone here knows how to get an scholarship?
I need it for uni...i will tell you more on the details if some of you know...
thanks :)
Heyy ppl....just wondering if you can help me get good songs for my 'new' ipod....
Any songs are accepted :)
I'll be really glad if anyone can tell me the recent songs that is out now so i can download them...:)
Well if you have no clues on what artist i like or kinda songs....mainly like eminem...
Is it better to have tighter security during exams to prevent any cheating?
which means the teachers are allowed to check your pockets, pencil case and possibly do a whole body search....(just saying)
but if this happens is it right or wrong?
Hey ppl, i was wondering what's the great job or carrer to be doing?
Any suggestion...or what do you 'personally' reckon?
My opinion would be being a teacher or lawyer...