Anyone have a clear answer.
Given this Scenario:
Assessment Rank 1: Achieves an external exam mark of 80
Assessment Rank 2: Achieves an exam external mark of 94
The gap between the individuals in the assessment is 1.7%
The remainder of the class bombed out and achieved no higher...
Where a HSC question asks you... for example,
How effective has law reform been in dealing with contemporary issues in the workplace?
In this circumstance, I would consider it appropriate to focus on one issue in isolation and go into extensive detail.
However, are there any circumstances...
I am able to allocated 55 Minutes to the JEH Section:
-USA 1919-1941: 50 Mins
-The Pacific: 50 Mins
-J.E. Hoover: 55 Mins
-World War 1: 25 Mins
However, I am struggling to find a way to answer both sections... even in that time...
How long does the Rise to Prominence have to be? My...
I made the mistake of choosing (English Standard) as I quite frankly hate English or should I say Literature.
My HSC subjects include:
Ancient History
Legal Studies
Business Studies
Modern History
English Standard
I am a high-achiever with most of my knowledge surrounding...
If I attain rank 1 in my cohort for an individual subject in my internal assessments how would that affect my external HSC exam results?
Would my mark be raised if an individual who had an internal assessment rank in my cohort of 2 achieved a higher HSC exam result?
What weight do internal...