Hi! I graduated in 2021 from a top ten selective school :)
English Advanced HSC
Common Module (The Crucible)
Comparative essay between The Crucible & Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Mark: 14/15, Rank: 19/170)
The Crucible essay
Notes (Includes quotes, analysis, extra paragraphs I...
hi everyone so like since the test is tmr i rlly need tips on inequalities (like the actual q16 type beat inequalities) like i look at the question and i just fucking zone out like does anyone legit have any tips except for do more questions like ive been doing that and i cant get it around my...
hi so just a question but what does the paper look like for math? because for our common tasks we usually got a question book and like separate paper leaflets where we had to put in our working out but someone told me that for the hsc they give us like specific amount of lines (EDIT: in a...
hi guys!
so i've been doing some eco essays and i've realised that i use only like 1 graph so i was wondering to those who do economics? could you give me a list of graphs that you like to include in your essays? I was thinking about making a list of graphs to refer to when i write essays to...
So there have been a few questions that I would appreciate if anyone has the answer to haha :)
1. Co-op:
So I've heard from people around me that initially all the smart fellas make it lol and tbh I'm not like 100% confident in getting a raw 98? atar so I was wondering if theres any...
so recently as the hsc timetable is being finalised and stuff i've seen a lot of people saying that how the hsc may only have the main subjects ykno like e.g. english and math and i was just wondering if nesa would actually consider doing that? (cuz not like cases are going down lol) and...
hi so im not sure if this is the correct thread n all but to all my eco students was just wondering how do u guys write ur extended response n like essays? not quite sure what to include in my introduction (teachers at my school were like oh u shouldn't put all ur ideas in ur intro n should keep...