I just asked for my extension 1 rankings and they're atrocious. For task 1 it was 60/78 but then it gets worse; I bombed task 2 horribly and got 70/78 (our school only gives individual rankings so idk about overall rank). We get approximately 45- 50% band 6s every year, and although I will try...
We got our ext math marks back today and I did kinda bad. I asked my teacher whether I should even try 4u and she was like 'probably not...'
Help am I the only person begging my mum to let me go tutoring I'm dying in everything I'm not going to live up to the asian expectation of doing 4u...
I always get overly stressed when its that 'revision' time of the term, leading me to end up getting no revision done. It sounds kind of stupid of me but I've been struggling with this problem for the entire year already and seriously cannot get myself to revise. I pretty much keep up with all...
Marks weren't the best this term, and worse, I'm very burnt out.
What are some good holiday tips/ schedules to follow to feel refreshed for the start of a new term, while adequately pre learning the content?
I have ocd and always want to finish absolutely everything my teachers set, thinking that extra practise is always good for you. For example I do everything our Physics teacher gives us and I do more Qs than our math teacher set from the Cambridge textbook just to get that extra practise in...
So in Ezra Pound's 'Lustra I' written in 1913, he clearly opposes extreme government control as he describes how artists are suppressed and that they are 'lovers of beauty, starved', but during WW2 he is completely fascist.
What made him change so much?
Thanks in advance,
So I was born in Sydney, and am fluent in mandarin because I speak chinese at home with my parents. I'm in Year 10 and only started proper chinese classes at school this year meaning that I will be illegible for Chinese Continuers/ Extension course, which forces me to do the Chinese in Context...
As holidays are coming up, I'm thinking of starting some UCAT prep but really doubt if its even worth it in the first place. I go to a top 15 school and was just curious about the amount of medicine students a year that maybe like the universities in Sydney take in total?