Hey guys.
I missed this class and there are no examples done in the lecture notes so I have absolutely no idea how to do this type of question.
Basically, I don't know how to use the 3% (well, 5% really) multiplier table in calculating loss of future earning capacity.
So say the guy would...
This is the first time I've been on bos for aaaaaaaaaages. It's all perty now.
What's this 'Reputation' button thingy in the corner of everyone's posts? :confused:
Is it some big ego booster thing? lol
Does anyone know if we can pay HECS by cash?
I think I read about someone paying it at the bank at uni - but because I enrolled late I never got a bill in the mail so I have nothing to give to the bank with my money to say it was from me (does that make sense?)
Can we also pay by...
Is anyone doing this subject?
If so.. do we need to buy disecting kits? Or is that only for 'Environmental' students? I don't know if we need one or not.
Did I miss much by not going to it?
I went to the city one but couldn't be bothered going to the St Leonards one coz I assume it'd be as boring as the city one.
I'm pretty sure it won't be too hard to find my Lab room up there.
Anyways, did I miss much?
Hey guys.
On my UAC letter I got an O for my first preference, and all the rest of my preferences had a H.
My friend however, got an O for his first pref, and then got B for a few of his other preferences.
Does the B mean you didn't get a high enough UAI for the course? And, does the H...
Did anyone else not receive anything from UTS today?
I got the letter from UAC saying I got an offer from UTS, but I got nothing from UTS. :confused: Will they still send it out? Or don't then send anything? How confuzzling.
Hey everyone.
I went to the Advisory Day today and spoke to Tamara (I think it was) and some other guy who is in charge of the UAI's for most of the courses.
He told me that the Forensic Biology course was the course with UTS's most 1st preferences. In other words, it's the course that has...
Does anyone know/think that the UAI for this course will rise this year?
I got 94.45 and last year's UAI was 91.65. I also got the EAS application accepted - am I in with a shot? :rolleyes:
Did anyone else get their letters saying whether their 'application was successful' or not?
I got a letter from UTS, USYD and UNSW - my application was successful for all of them. Yay for me - I guess. :rolleyes: lol
Hey everyone.
I've been thinking about this for ages... but.. in the HSC exam, I was sitting near a friend of mine, and all was normal - but I saw her look inside her pencil case during the exam (there was only 1 supervisor coz its a small class) and straight after that she started writing...
I was putting the IPT paper away just then and I happened to read the last question in Multimedia again.
It asked for the different media Anna could have used.
I can't believe I mis read the question in the exam. :eek: I thought it asked for text types. ie. Text, Images, Audio, Video and...
Got my letter in the mail today for Informatics.
I got in. :D..
Guaranteed place in Bachelor of Internet Science and Technology
Guaranteed place in Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (Network Management)
WooT! :)
I had my Interview for Marine...