Some people may recall taht I posted a thread about liking this chick a few weeks ago. Well, since then, I've decided she's not worth teh pain and would like to move on.
For anyone else in the same situatuion, lets brainstrom ideas on how to conquer unrequited love.
Ok. So there is this girl that I like, who I have good conversations with on msn. However, i noticed that she never starts convos with me. Is this an indication to back off? But then if she really disliked talking to me wouldn't she just block me? What are your thoughts girls/guys?
Sorry everyone its my first time posting and I'm not sure if this is the right place. Ok, well I know there's nothing I can do about it, but i really being wronged and want other people's opinions.
These were my HSc marks 2007:
Eng Adv 88
Chem 91
Maths Adv 86
Maths ext 1 39/50...