NB to 2010 students: Please post in the rollcall only if you are accepting your offer.
Welcome one and all to the UTS forum and to the University of Technology, Sydney in 2010!!
Please state what degree you'll be doing and what year you'll be in.
To all the new 2010ers we hope you'll be...
The 'thejosiekiller' GUESTIMATE:
A guestimate is pretty much a guess/estimate of what you think your final subject marks will be for this semester.
The word 'guestimate' was made up by thejosiekiller; who will forever be immortalised in this UTS tradition.
So whenever you like, feel...
Chat about the First-Year IT Camp 2009 here!
For more info visit: http://start.it.uts.edu.au/camp/
IT Camp 2008
IT Camp 2007
IT Camp 2006
IT Camp 2005
NB to 2009 students: Please post in the rollcall only if you are accepting your offer.
Welcome one and all to the UTS forum and to the University of Technology, Sydney in 2009!!
Please state what degree you'll be doing and what year you'll be in. I'll update the list here as we go along.
Post your 2009 UTS offers here! (I know some offers for BIT have already come out!)
This includes UAC transfers from school leavers and non-recent school leavers and also internal course transfer students. Post your course (and your major/s if you've decided already).
The 'thejosiekiller' GUESTIMATE:
A guestimate is pretty much a guess/estimate of what you think your final subject marks will be for this semester.
The word 'guestimate' was made up by thejosiekiller; who will forever be immortalised in this UTS tradition.
My Guestimates...
Spring 2008 exams will be held during the period 8 November 2008 to 28 November 2008.
The final timetable is located here:
Please post your final exam timetable related posts here.
My timetable =)...
UTS Info Day is this Saturday @ the City Campus.
For more info: http://www.infoday.uts.edu.au/
City Campus Info Day
Saturday 30 August
9am to 4pm
Broadway, Ultimo
Kuring-gai Info Evening
Wednesday 10 September
3pm to 7pm
Eton Rd, Lindfield
Just got an email regarding Grade Point Averages (GPA) which will be introduced with the release of results for this semester (well, Autumn 2008).
Post your thoughts here.
Welcome to the UTS Subject Outlines Exchange thread =) Please post your past UTS subject outlines here. Please be mindful that the posted subject outlines are from previous semesters when viewing them.
Inspired by stazi's Unit of Study Outline Exchange thread.
If you have any...
The 'thejosiekiller' GUESTIMATE:
A guestimate is pretty much a guess/estimate of what you think your final subject marks will be for this semester.
The word 'guestimate' was made up by thejosiekiller; who will forever be immortalised in this UTS tradition.
My Guestimates...
Kudos to spence for noticing that they were up already =)
Edit: The timetable is now final.
Please note that the timetable is provisional. This means that there could be changes between now and until May 23rd when the final examination...
Co-op Bookshop Textlist Search NOW AVAILABLE: http://www.coop-bookshop.com.au/bookshop?basket_name=3618210&user_id=1203873548254&_frames_=no&_next_page_=DataSubjSelect
Woohoo! It is that time of the year again. I'm selling a couple of books and also looking to buy some books at the same...
Chat about the First-Year IT Camp 2008 here!
For more info visit: http://start.it.uts.edu.au/camp/
Links from Camp Website:
IT Camp 2007
IT Camp 2006
IT Camp 2005
Post your 2008 UTS offers here! (I know some offers for BIT have already come out!)
This includes UAC transfers from school leavers and non-recent school leavers and also internal course transfer students. Post your course (and your major/s if you've decided already).
The 'thejosiekiller' GUESTIMATE:
A guestimate is pretty much a guess/estimate of what you think your final subject marks will be for this semester.
The word 'guestimate' was made up by thejosiekiller; who will forever be immortalised in this UTS tradition.
My Guestimates...
The provisional examination timetable for Spring 2007 will be out this Friday (5 October 2007) . Please note that this release is "provisional" and are subject to changes for the final release. The final examination timetable will be released on Friday, 26 October 2007.
Jim Underwood posted this on the Start.IT website:
Might be useful for those who are doing 2007- IT Majors =)
Woohoo! It is that time of the year again. I'm selling a couple of books and also looking to buy some books at the same time. Feel free to use this thread to do the same =)
Updated by Katsumi 06/08/2017
Hi All! Welcome to the Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread. The purpose of this thread is to share your experiences, thoughts and comments on the various courses offered at UTS in a standardised format.
It gives you an...