actually u could work out a profitibility ratio from the info given...the bord were just trying tol be dicks
u could work out the return on owners equity........u work out the net proit then u work out the owners equity.......
assets=liabilities + owners equity
and such and such
is it just me or do u guys get this weird feeling everytime u finish an exam and u realise your never gonna study it again......
like im thinking im never gonna study hitlers nazi germany or im never gonna analyse the metaphors in a poem probably ever again.........when i did it every day...
doesnt merchantible quality of a product mean the actual the cereal has to be guaranteed not to have moss and be old and shit
the fact that metal was in the cereal shows that the ACTUAL PRODUCT of cereal was alright, good quality, but the metal was just negligence
hence the...
For the effectiveness of the law for internation crimes i put
-bilateral treaties create a relationship between nations so international cooperation helps with international crime
-differneces in legal systems and morals create problems in how the law is applied and how people arte...
what the fuck was that
the bos really like to test us......
INTERNATIONAL CRIME?????????? i mean cmon
the multiple choice was alright, a bit tricky with the cerial box and fucking the collective rights question...i put tort law, and referendum respectively
human rights wasnt that...
did anyone else not finish a module essay
im so depressed
i did eight pages on my prescribed for dialouge and i didnt veen get to talk about my supllemetary
please sometell me im not gonna be a labourer when i grow up........
i ran out of time:( :confused:
that that was an easy compared to what u had in your head
fuck man, i knew, I KNEW the third question would be generic and you could manipulate it the way u wanted to
i mean i wrote 13 and half pages for the last fucking section................
ummm i dont even do ancient history, so only reason im in the forum is because i like people getting stressed over courses that i dont have to worry about....:)
anyway what with all of u worrying about quotes from historians
i do modern history and were encouraged not to bloody quote...
Anyone advise using The Godfather as stimulus. If you have seen the movie, youll know Al Pacino chnages dramatically in that movie. I used it in my trial and my teacher said make sure it relates to the question. Also they warned me of anything nehgative as they want chnage to be portrayed as...
What gets me about modern history is the wide scope of the im doing germany as a national study and it all fun and interesting but the question in the hsc can be from anywhere from 1918 and 1945............... now thats how it is for every national strudy but the thing is how are...
can someone give me an estimate withmy final assessment ranks...thanks
Standard English 7/137
General Maths 3/ 80
Buiness studies 3/68
Legal studies 1/14
Modern hitory 4/14
Music 1 4/8
ive got pretty smart people in...
I did my hsc exam on the 11th
two perfromances, two vivas
performances were alright........i can never judge my own performance
i did toxicity by soad for my core
and by the way from the chili peppers for Rock Music
As a drummer the toxicity beat is pretty cool and is pretty good to...