Knock her out, then anal rape her=]
No but seriously. Pretend you don't have feelings for her? Like your just friends. Someone suggested to one of my friends, they he pretend him and the girl are going out, but he has to keep it a secret from everyone, so he has to act as if nothing has...
There are many things in cum that are good for the skin. By blowing on their face, we are doing them a favour. There is Collagen for example, girls love to look youthful, therefore they should love a face full of cum.
Cum is very healthy. It has many different things in it that will do your body the world of good. Someone I know (a female) said they get angry when girls don't swollow, because they have wasted a lot of good stuff there.
I have been trying to get to go to her house for the past 4 or 5 weeks. Every week it's the same words
"Hey mother, can my friend come over"
"we'll see"
*skip forward to the day*
"well, can he come over?"
"why not?!?!"
"because I don't want him to"
Yes, this is true. However, it could be more like
Mum I'm going to the Formal with a guy
You're going where now? What guy? Whats his name? How do you know him?
He is a guy I met a my friends party, we are just friends, and besides you have met him before
Oh yeah, I remember that...
I use massive fail because it works for you. It matches your intelligence level, which is clearly not very high. This is proven by the fact that 99% of people are saying that the age gap isn't that bad. Yet, even with all these people giving telling you, in plain black and white that you are...
but I AM a friend of her friend, lol thats how we her friends 16th party. The only problem with your year 10 idea is that it will seem suss that I am no longer in school, though I suppose you can leave school after year 10. Hmm, I might ask her about this. Just in my person oppinion...
LMAO massive fail, (in less than a month) as most people have said 15 to 17 isn't a bad age gap. But good try though, really I mean it, you succeed at life, really you do.