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  1. ectobiologist

    Is it possible for somebody with a really low IQ like 110, to achieve a 99+ atar?

    They only tell you whether or not you're allowed to be part of Mensa, not your actual IQ.
  2. ectobiologist

    Top 5 Albums of 2009

    Dark Was The Night - Compilation Mandala - Rx Bandits Part the Second - maudlin of the Well Other Truths - Do Make Say Think Thrice - Beggars
  3. ectobiologist

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    stephen kings a pretty cool guy. eh criticsies the stephenie meyers and doesn't afraid of anything.
  4. ectobiologist

    hardworking Vs. intelligence

    Weird, I was expecting a reversal of roles after looking at their subject choices.
  5. ectobiologist

    Are you considered dumb if you get tutoring?

    i told you man i TOLD you abuot truong
  6. ectobiologist

    Are you considered dumb if you get tutoring?

    Comment deleted because the Truong cultists can't take a fucking joke.
  7. ectobiologist

    Are you considered dumb if you get tutoring?

    The point of the post was to point out that I disagree with the connotations associated with tutoring. Also, Truong is the scourge of the Earth. Ext 2 Maths should be reserved for those who actually ENJOY maths.
  8. ectobiologist

    Shameful Music

  9. ectobiologist

    Welcome & Roll Call - Class of 2010

    Overdue check-in. -_- Asian combo, replace Economics with Engineering Studies.
  10. ectobiologist

    The avatar. D:

    The avatar. D:
  11. ectobiologist

    Are you considered dumb if you get tutoring?

    Wow, most of the parents I know (mine included) consider kids who don't get tutored dumb for not wanting to maximise their ATAR.
  12. ectobiologist

    Matrix HSC Exam Prep Courses

    Textbooks > Matrix > Peak, other tutors, etc.
  13. ectobiologist

    biology vs physics vs chemistry

    People saying physics is too 'maths-y' should be slapped, they've clearly never looked at a uni physics textbook or Wikipedia page.
  14. ectobiologist

    Parkway Drive

    post rock is where it's at
  15. ectobiologist

    Farewell Year 11

    I'm willing to bet that half of the "omg soo scared" comments are because of parents and the undue importance they put on the HSC.
  16. ectobiologist

    Christians --

    Shut up, Dad jokes are awesome.
  17. ectobiologist

    Christians --

    No, the second seal was broken when Theism and Teclis began to post on BoS.
  18. ectobiologist

    A Question of Christian Theology

    Shut up Ayatollah, you're already on 15 points, and the index wasn't even specifically designed for your type. Edit: 20 points.