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  1. L

    transferring usyd to unsw?

    gosh wat controversy! Thanks alot for the replies ppl! Especially kevin! But hmm whens the latest date i can apply to uac about htis transfer? im still thinking about it and all..
  2. L

    transferring usyd to unsw?

    hmm my avg is like 60 so.. and yeh so they only look at the higher or uai n uni grades? Isnt transfer done easily? i thought they just let u transfer for the 1st yr etc just by looking a the uai? And cant u reset ur grades if u wanted to? So u cant pick at all the ones u want to keep and...
  3. L

    transferring usyd to unsw?

    hey im curently studying at usyd however my grades havent been what i wished for and prety dispointed from sem1. Anyway im thinking of maybe transfering to unsw and perhaps get some grades reset and start again? Is it possible if i get to chose which course i would like to be recognised...
  4. L

    ecmt1020 vs CLAW1001

    Any sugetions? I dont particualrly like Ecmt however, out of all my exams ecmt finals seemed to the the easiest, strange i no? Is Stats B final's stil in multiple choice and and as easy? Does it get harder and more individual asignments ( i didnt like the regreeiosn asingment). I heard CLAW is...
  5. L


    ur school marks dont mean anything, Ur school RANK is the figure they use to figure out ur school assesment mark. The BOs does it accordingly to how ur year performed in the actual HSC and gives the marks these marks a rank for ur school. These amrks r then allocated to u accordingly by ur...
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    for the GUYS! wat do you look for in a girl?

    1) intellectual equal? 2) any 3) i like a girl thts between loud and silent 4) outgoing? yes 5) good girl
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    timetbale chnage too late?

    whens the last day for timetable chnages?
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    textbook for tutorials?

    So we r susppose to bring em? Arg. thts hectic for me
  9. L

    textbook for tutorials?

    Hey i was wondering if we are supose to ring tecxtbooks to tutorials? I just hpaen to have 3 tutorials in 1 day, so does tht mean i need to bring 3 textboosk :vcross: anyway im doing commerce if tht makes a difernce
  10. L

    Maths Ext1 & 2, UAI & SAM ?

    i guess it depends.... i managed to get away from a few chapters of 2u tht i wasnt familiar with and still did prety well for Ext1 and Ext 2 so it depends... But the alligning and scaling for ext 1 and 2 are incredible
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    where to collect showbags?

    u do get 2 right?
  12. L

    HSC marks in relation to SC marks

    i didint do very well in schol ceritificate e.g eng 76 etc and i got band4 in science, and band 5 in geo and history but ye in the hsc i got 84 in hsc, etc etc and got an uai of 94.85 so i dont think theres much connection..
  13. L

    where to collect showbags?

    I didint go to oweek today but umm wher do we go to get our showbags for our accessmembership? Was the line long?
  14. L

    how much are the vests?

    Hey i saw on the USU shop there was a black usyd vest, wondering how much r they?
  15. L

    HECS, is it too late?

    HEy mi in the same situation, i havent applied for my TFN yet as im still waiting for m "cizitsenship certificate" which i lost.... Anyway when is the last day to hand TFN? I heard its the census date which is 31st march isnt it? If it isnt i may have to pay portions of it upfront.... :cold: