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  1. InfiniteQ

    Portfolio Mgmt

    Dudes... does anyone know what is going to happen with Portfolio marks? Has anyone spoken to David? I'm too chicken to talk to him ... how did you all find it? Are a lot people applying for special consideration?
  2. InfiniteQ

    Where are you all?

    I believe out of all uni threads, UNSW seems to be one of the most dead ones! Come on people... we can do better than that... Macquarie are meeting up for orgies for crying out loud! Anyway, more importantly... what GenEds have you guys done that you would recommend? Or what would you...
  3. InfiniteQ

    FINS1612 (Cap Markets) anyone?

    For any of you who have done or doing CMI, can you please advise how you found your tutor (and who they are). Or even still, if you are an acclaimed CMI genius, please come forward. I have a tonne of questions but my tutor pretty much sucked and I'd like to see someone who is helpful! Thanks.
  4. InfiniteQ

    Anyone doing Commerce part-time?

    I am wondering if there are any Cadets here or others who are doing Commerce part time this year. I am a bit nervous because I've picked night lectures etc and everyone I know doing Commerce are doing it full time.
  5. InfiniteQ

    2002 Half-Yearly Nightmares

    Can last year's grads be kind of enough to take the time to relay their half yearly nightmares? Some of us are packing it about screwing up certain exams that had big weightings and it's just nice to know about people who've overcome it and excelled. (Motivation thing) Thank you!
  6. InfiniteQ

    Extension 1 Day (6th April)

    Who's going to the Extension 1 Day at Knox Grammar? Or... you guys don't know about it?
  7. InfiniteQ

    How did you stay motivated for 12 months?

    Hey people Was just wondering what kept you all going for 12 months. How did you stay motivated? I find that being motivated to do the work is hard for me at times. Thanks for all your help.