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  1. riss123

    Gene cascade?

    lol you champ. thanks heaps. that made a whole lot of sense :) oxo
  2. riss123

    Gene cascade?

    im reading over my bio notes on the option unit genetics... can anyone tell me what a gene cascade is?... "The study of mutations of homeotic genes shows that a small mutation can suddenly affect an organism as a gene cascade is altered" i dont get the gene cascade bit. lol.
  3. riss123

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    welll.... i dunno if it was easy or hard. who cares really. its over now... yay! lol.
  4. riss123

    Spherical Distance

    you legend. thanks heaps :) i oweeeee you lol xoxoox
  5. riss123

    Spherical Distance

    you legend. thanks heaps :) i oweeeee you lol xoxoox
  6. riss123

    Spherical Distance

    Eek. I cant work out how to do this question: The spherical distance between two points on the surface of a sphere is 80cm. If the sphere has a radius of 45cm, find the angular distance between the two points. anyone know how to do it? ox
  7. riss123

    Related Texts For Henry Lawson

    do you mean other related texts?....
  8. riss123

    need help urgently, urgently, urgently...

    thats terrible. :( well. i think i agree that nothing can be done. I mean, how many people in yr 12 in nsw this year? a hell of a lot. so that means a hell lot of papers/booklets..... and i doubt they would go through and try and find it, because they dont have time. However, perhaps...
  9. riss123

    No More Area Of Study Ever!!!!!

    just wanna make a point that paper one remember is set for both standard and advance. Its main purpose is to make sure that everyone is in the right class for english. So it cant be too easy, and it cant be to hard..... it doesnt matter if you found it hard, or if you found it easy. But dont...
  10. riss123

    focusing on one text from STIM booklet

    i know its wrong to just focus on one text from the stimulas booklet, but... whats the chance they are gunna ask us to focus on a specfic text?. anyone else out there focusing on just one?
  11. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    im so fucked. i have a general maths exam on friday... and im stressing, because as much as i study and do question, i always get thrown off in the exam. :( GRRRRRRRR!! i hate this feeling.
  12. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    aww :) how nice. thanks lolz. ox
  13. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    thanks for ur adivce too wouldbedoctor. much appreciated, and it makes me feel a whole lot better :)
  14. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    awww. goosiegoo. poor thing. just relax, watch a moive, sleep in and take a walk. you just need to come down off working so hard, and just reduce them stress levels. :)
  15. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    aww. lol. yeah, HSC, i just cant wait for it to be over. even if i dont get into uni.... im still going to be happier then ever. sorry if i was harsh on ur parents, they probably worry for your sake, and dont reliase it isnt bennifit just at the moment. Alot of teachers tell me that around...
  16. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    awww bento. im really annoyed at all this presure people place on the hsc. its so frustrating! are u motivated to study at all?. im not. but most people around me are, and they excel highly. I do study, and put effort in and it doesnt pay off. its shit.
  17. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    oh gosh. i hope ur parents wake up to themselves, and appreciate you and your efforts soon :). Seems to be like your doing well, and u just had a stress moment.... i cant wait til i finsh either. im failing general maths. im fine doing the work in & out of class, come an exam.... i...
  18. riss123

    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    i feel so annoyed. there is to much pressure put on the hsc.... i mean really, if you dont get into uni, is it really that bad? are you any less of a person?. i have a biology exam on monday. Im screwed. I regret my subject choice. :burn: lol. does anyone else have that attitude? or is anyone...
  19. riss123

    My friend wants to drop out...

    not everyone is made for the HSC alright. I know the feeling of not doing well, and i know im probably not going to get the results i WANT and NEED. But, if i drop out now... its just a waste of time. Just tell her to do as much as she can, do the best that she can, and get the exams over and...