See, Midifile and ccc123:
You've basically just misunderstood eachother.
ccc123: You are failing to realise the there are situations where private schools are the better option. As a top academic student in a top academic public school, obviously, you can't see any problems with the public...
Re: IMPORTANT: The correct answers to commonly asked questions- read before you post.
All true, except that if you have a combination of all capped subjects, you may not be able to achieve a perfect UAI. However, as ccc123 said, you can achieve dam close.
Good advice.
Its not a crock of shit. We have the reposnsibility, the moral responsibility, to create equality. Like bassistx said, its not fair that there is such a disparity in wealth and we need to uphold fundamental notions of fairness.
No..i never told her/ asked. You know when you just take a step back though and realise, from an objective/ not love-sick perspective that they aint that great after all? Yet, simultaniously, your still inexplicably drawn to them, and you don't want to be anymore.
Some people may recall taht I posted a thread about liking this chick a few weeks ago. Well, since then, I've decided she's not worth teh pain and would like to move on.
For anyone else in the same situatuion, lets brainstrom ideas on how to conquer unrequited love.
I have- she was in my year at school. She always smiled/ said hi to me in the hallway, but that was it because we were not in the same classes/ social groups.
Ok. So there is this girl that I like, who I have good conversations with on msn. However, i noticed that she never starts convos with me. Is this an indication to back off? But then if she really disliked talking to me wouldn't she just block me? What are your thoughts girls/guys?