Hey guys
I have a WAM of about 70 and a UAI of 99. I am currently doing honours and looking at 1st class or 2a. What are my chances of gettin into graduate law at USYD or UNSW ?
actually a lot of them get into economics. but thats pretty similar to commerce. theres a lot indian economists. there like 5 in the usyd faculty.
engineering and medicine are the two top subjects back in india and that. so the same is applied here. law is less prestigious.. weaker legal...
I presume itd be easier to get it at a 'lesser' university,such as uws? Simply because of the reduced level of competition. Im gonna be doing graduate law actually. But want to make the transfer to Usyd or UNSW.
well i only intend to get it in my first yr and make a transfer. sorry i shouldve stated the question differently. how hard is it to get a HD average in 1st yr law.
How hard is this to achieve? Maybe not at usyd but say UWS or Macq? Do you know anyone with a HD avg in law. Or is this generally deemed near impossible :|
hey guys
jus wondering if im going onto honours next year or if im transferring to another course, do i need to pre enrol? my degree finishes this year and i may be going onto either honours or commerce (liberal studies).
And a question for my friend - what happens if u drop out of...
Yer im not too sure about it either. Some one else informed of this. I think they thought the 3 years FTE which is used to work out the selection ranks, meant that only the last years get counted.
Does anyone else know what the deal is with this? what happens if you did a 4 year degree?
alright..thanks for the heads up. got sum serious thinking to do.
also.is it true that grad law entry only considers the last 3 years of your study? if i do well in 4th year lib studies, i can get a pretty high average. its 1st year marks that are really hurting my average at the moment...