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  1. J

    math1001: differential calculus

    Not just that, and this can't really be helped, but there are only two past papers that are wholly relevant to the current course.
  2. J

    J rock

    Woot! Anthology of Mr Children. Where did you get it?
  3. J

    This guy down the pub...

    Ummm, as far as I can tell the word かぞく is spelt as かずこ (which actually happens to be a girl's name!) and かずく (which isn't).
  4. J

    J rock

    Anyone heard of Mr Children? They're not as consistently loud as others but they're quite good. Oh, and that opening theme is a bit too bouncy for its purposes, in my opinion.
  5. J

    This guy down the pub...

    Sharp-eyed readers will notice two typos in the Family document.
  6. J

    need help with translation!

    2) I'm guessing u 'to be placed'. 3) Could this be a typo for 'for the time being, he called out...'/'for the time being, the one who called out...'? 4) Pretty much: I think is a male speech characteristic that is equivalent to ~Ȃ̂ in this case.
  7. J

    coding problem

    return exits the method. You need to System.out.println(balance); first if you want to see it.
  8. J

  9. J

    Why does hand made Mochi go off so quickly?

    'PVA and sawdust mochi' isn't the best flavour anyway.
  10. J

    Highest UAI at your school

    To my knowledge, Fort Street: 99.95
  11. J

    Submitting Hsc Marks/uai's

    Perhaps a chart of the pie variety? ;) (ow, please don't throw that at me)
  12. J

    Daily Telegraph: Where to get your full HSC Merit List

    Yeah, I got them last night: it seems that the SMH prints your subject names whereas the Telegraph provides the subject codes instead.
  13. J

    Class of 2003 HSC Exam Marks for SDD

    I got 91, which is great considering that our teacher was learning parts of the course at the same time as us. I suppose the out of class study came in handy then...
  14. J

    marks for japanese (any level)

    97, 46. Would have preferred something a bit rounder, but I definitely can't complain.
  15. J

    Please Explain 0C0 = 1

    My teacher said that you can think of it as due to the fact that there's only one way to choose nothing from ... nothing... :D
  16. J

    LEAST favourite book?

    I absolutely deplored Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' when we had to read it last year for preliminary English Extension. I mean, I could see how it was good literature, but it was dense and meandering. Thank God it was only a novella... I wouldn't say so... they say that anticipation is often...
  17. J

    Who saw 60 minutes feedback last week ?

    Agreed: a blatant example of this was a story they showed last year about the time of the 'may day' anti-globalisation protest: while the other stations tried to keep it serious, Channel Ten news decides to show footage of how this poor wittle police horsey fell over when it slipped on something...
  18. J

    L r Kill Bill - Conditionally Reopened

    "Worthless ignorant imperialist scum", right? By the way, this movie was *written to be B*, if you know what I mean. As an example, continuity errors everywhere are not a sign of sloppy directing, rather a homage/parody of the genres involved. This may/may not include the gasp! non-native...
  19. J

    Question 21 exam thoughts

    I got the same as JRasnier. But ... maybe ZZZ was a sentinel value?