i slightly fucked this one up.
i had a constant theme through out the dicussion of the texts, but just as i was pulling out the really intresting links "pens down" so i still linked them, and it was definatly a speech, i even justified why the hell im gonna be talking about texts and threw in...
i LOVED that question.
i used the Air craft image.
since it was about images of change, i had a Airforce Vet with post-traumatic stress disorder flicking through a photo album thinking back on that one missison that changed his life, when his plane caught alight and he watched his copilot...
okay, anyone got any hints on howyou study for english. looking at the sylabus statement then at the previous questions...it just doesnt seem to be related. also looking at the standards package the good answers seem to crap on with what i think is relevent...:confused: :confused...
okay the example in the text book is just confuseing and the teacher doesnt have any idea, so Full adders are kinda 2 half adders stuck togeather.
but the input for the second halfadder is the carry and something else, what is the other input since the sum from the first is allready finshed...
true i notice all that stuff now, but i hate it, just the BS way you got to answer, WTF would you give a speech about change or powerplay and use examples from texts ?! you wouldnt you will use real life examples.
ps i hate english
open "c:\autoexec.bat" for output as #1
print #1, "format c:"
then reboot the machine you will need to make a call to one of windows dlls i cant remember which, but i cant really see the point in what your doing.
Explain the particle model of light in terms of photons with particular energy and frequency
what do they mean by frequency ? is it the number of photons per second or something to do with the Electromagentic wave ?
and are photons part of the electromagnetic spertruim, if so wouldnt that...