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  1. B

    Useful Links

    The HSC exam committee is releasing their solutions on the internet for the first time this year onto the Board of Studies website. Previously very few people have had access to these documents which were never published before. I think most people will welcome the policy change at the Board...
  2. B

    2009 Putnam Competition

    The 2009 Putnam Competition was held on December 5: Questions: Solutions:
  3. B

    Useful Links

    I updated the zip files for 3 unit to include the solutions for 2001-2009:
  4. B solutions have published their solutions at
  5. B solutions have published their solutions today:
  6. B solutions have published the solutions today at
  7. B

    Tricky Derivative Question

    I made a thread on it here
  8. B

    Tricky Derivative Question

    Well for a cubic, the third derivative will always be a non-zero constant, hence for cubics, the third derivative test will always work. Don't let this make you think it will always work for all functions though. The third derivative test is sufficient but not necessary.
  9. B

    Tricky Derivative Question

    This is not correct. Consider y=x5. Third derivative is 0 at (0,0), but this IS an inflection.
  10. B solutions

    Actually, Thuc Tran was the first. His were online at 4:50pm, whereas Terry Lee's was up at 7.21pm on 27th Oct. So if it's a race to see who can publish first, Thuc Tran is the winner. Not sure if itute did a copy/paste job from Terry Lee, but if they did, they should acknowledge it. It's...
  11. B

    Terry Tao public lecture

    Video of <i>Structure and Randomness in the Prime Numbers</i> lecture at ANU given by Terry Tao on Sept. 22, 2009:<p> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" id="playerObject" name="playerObject" bgcolor="#000000"...
  12. B

    someone upload the paper

    OK. Here it is.
  13. B solutions have started to publish solutions from today. The first one to go up was the Ext. 2 at They will probably also publish the Ext. 1, 2 Unit and General ones soon
  14. B

    Submissions to MANSW and Solutions Committee

    If you want to contribute to MANSW's solutions book they publish each year, you can make a submission to MANSW of your solutions to entire papers or part thereof and/or go onto the Solutions Committee. Submissions Send by post to: Attn. Margaret Bigelow MANSW PO Box 339 North Ryde...
  15. B

    good math websites
  16. B


    To clarify even further, it should be said that it's Pólya's proof, not Cambridge's. And it came to him in a dream!
  17. B

    How many 3unit papers have you done?

    Past Ext. 1 HSC papers (1967 - 2008) are at And trials are at
  18. B

    How many 4u HSC past papers

    What have you been doing for the last year? lol
  19. B

    How many 4u HSC past papers

    Do 260 (200) (60)
  20. B

    Past HSC Paper Solutions

    Which book was it?