star bar is good for cheap drinks...very sleazy and gay otherwise...
3 wise monkeys has good live music - very good pub i think....
milk, on oxford st...very good atmosphere, though doesnt get good till about 1am, rnb music
ummmmmmmm bondi hotel is good to chillax.....u meet lots of funny...
i thought DSS was one of the best parts to the exam... :D intelligent agent was in the catholic trial paper....and i still forgot wat it was!! but other than that...i thought it was fair...
multimedia option questions always screw me over grr....
decision support system option was greattttt
overall....question 23 was the best!!!! multiple choice i found quite hard...i hate analysing so many graphs for one mark...such a waste of time was a pretty fair exam i found...
the 15mark question depended on what concepts u studied....i ahppened to talk about those points u mentioned but my other option was body image... it depended on what 2 options u studied...i thought health of the young had great questions! in comparison with sports med although it turns out what...
i have a feeling that the only "Ethical" related syllabus points u can relate to are on drugs n drug testing was because....i think they wanted us to talk about drug testing??? i dunno..i majorly fucked that up too :(
for the 15 mark question on core 2, plz tell me u guys talked about concentration attention skills/ relaxation techniques/ visualisaton..a...and all that........:S:S
don't worry i also tlaked about that! and goal setting n focusing n shit...i'm pretty sure its right....
for part b) i talked about skills and coping... i don't know what concerns your class did? we did body image and skills n coping...i talked bout skills n coping and mentioned the 4 types of argument that reduces stress n shit that leads to was a great question....compared to SPORTS...
YE FUKKK i totallly stuffed up the 15mark sports med qu', i'm soo pissed off!!! and the annoying thing was, i did a prac question before the exam a few weeks ago about drug testing n my teacher said it was good...and i had no idea what they were asking!... till after the was about drug...
LOL bobo the oboe....ahh so easily entertained.... i've been playing flute for 8 yrs...recently came back from a band tour, played in carnegie hall :p very exciting...and disney world...very fun... i've attempted in teaching myself guitar...know like 5 chords but didn't keep practicing...hence...
i thought they amde it noone can get 90 as a raw mark in which case the top people will stay top but be scaled down? like they say ok the top mark is 85...i dunno? lol
i think you guys.....are really arrogant.... i understand your happy and all but saying like oh i definately got like 75 or 90 or wateva...wat r u? hsc markers?