well this is a cruel world where ppl only care for money making, and not about the surffering of other animals, i been to china, and bali for holiday and those people treat animals like ants. I saw a guy who grabed a chicken but one foot and when the chicken cried in pain he slaped it hard on...
Omg did anyone watch Ten news? they showed a footage of a whale that took an hour to die, the poor creture had its bottom half of body shredded by genade it took 7 shots to kill it...omg i cant sleep that night.
i am never eating sushi or buying japan products ever again.
it said in the telegraph that the whalers are thinking of calling in japan aircrafts to protect the whalers, using Australia as a air base for them.
that is fucking bullshit...first illegally hunting whales in our waters then using our land as airbase...what they gona do? fire a missle at...
is dota a new game out on PC? or is this a online game ??
if its online game and i dont have to buy it, i be interested to join got nothing else to do now ^^
jsut found this info on the UWS website
"UWS is currently looking at wireless as an option to improve access to the network for our students. We have applied for (and have been successful) in gaining a $2M grant from the Commonwealth in 2006 to establish a comprehensive wireless network...
i used to luv goosebumps when i was in primary school, i think when i was in year 7-8 as well... i remember i used to order them from school book clubs..haha good old times
What are your views on the whaling of minke whales by the japanese who claims it for scientific research?
In a public statement, Japan Whaling association president keiichi Nakajima declared that killing the giant mammals was the only effective way to study them.
In another statement...
does anyone know if they have wireless network on the cambelltown campus?
cause i have a laptop that connects to wireless network and i want to be able to get on the net around the campus especially in the residence college where i am gona live for the next 3 years of my life lol
fucking japan....they are the worest of all asain countries, i already donated 20 bucks to the green peace dude cause they actually got guts to try to stop the whalers yesterday! damn i wish i was there. from now on i am gona ask every japanese person i meet if they eat whale meat. if they say...
by the way if i do business(property) at blacktown can i also do business ( marketing) together? cause i dont want to finish my first topic then go back and do another 3 yrs at marketing
lol srry i am jsut worried, no offence to UWS but i dont want to go to a Uni where they jsut have classrooms like in highschool i am looking forward to lecture halls ever since i saw them in the movies