Search results

  1. Lady_Disdain

    UTS Nursing Uniforms for Sale

    Hi all, after one year of UTS Nursing, I have decided to pack up my bat and ball and head off to the land of Social Work... and as such I am selling 2 Size 8 Shirts and 1 Size 12 Pair of pants All three items are clean and in very good condition and I'm willing to sell all three items...
  2. Lady_Disdain


    Is anyone for it? Against it? Paying SAF fees twice a year is a bit rough. Opinions?.
  3. Lady_Disdain

    Student- Writing and Contemporary Cultures

    Ok, I'm trying to track down a Second Year Writing and Contemporay Cultures student, whom I met a few weeks back. The student is a second year, male with an eyebrow ring, which was pierced at Polymorph body piercing. No I do not know his name. He transferred from Australian National...
  4. Lady_Disdain

    Webpage Creation

    I want to create a webpage for displaying my poetry, short story, artwork, photography and jewellery creation. The style I would hope for is Decoy Octopus or something similar. I have no idea about computers pretty much, and I have tried to create webpages before, but to no avail. I would...
  5. Lady_Disdain

    The Tempest (help!!!)

    I've been scouring through my copy of the Tempest and I'm sure that there is a line in Act Five where Prospero admits that he lost his dukedom through some fault of his own. Can someone please confirm this or deny it? And if it does exits, what is the line? I am using Oxford School...
  6. Lady_Disdain

    Sonic Youth

    Did anyone go to the Sonic Youth + J Masicus + The Follow gig at Enmore last Thursday or Friday?
  7. Lady_Disdain

    Sonic Youth +The Follow +J Masicus

    Did anyone here go to the Sonic Youth gig on either Thursday June 17th or Friday June 18th?
  8. Lady_Disdain

    Sign Language

    Does anybody know if MacQuarie University offers a degree in sign language?
  9. Lady_Disdain

    Paradise Lost

    Ever since I read a bit of Paradise lost (off the net), i felll in love with the poetry in it, yet no library or book shop stock it. Has anyone else read 'Paradise Lost' and if so, where did they get their copy of it?
  10. Lady_Disdain

    Major types of crime

    What are the major types of crime? According to the Excel Year 12 book, they are economic offenses, crimes against the person and the state etc. which differs from another book stating that white collar crime, crimes against property are etc. So does anyone know what the syllabus lists as the...