
  1. F

    Notes/advice for Economics, Legal Studies, and Business Studies!

    Hi everyone! Attached below are really comprehensive notes for the 3 social sciences. (Geography ain't no science) I was a (somewhat) high achiever in the writing subjects. And here are some of my insights, which hopefully will help ease the pressure for some of you. 1. Don't make notes!! Use...
  2. raj123456789

    Cadetship 2020 thread

    Hey yall, When I was applying for cadetships this year I couldn't find a 2019 thread and there wasn't too much info going around for the CURRENT year, so just making this thread for future applicants in 2020 to help in any way I can! Also if anyone else is up for a discussion about their future...
  3. O

    Should I drop Business or Entertianment VET??? pls help me

    i dislike them the same amount and both teachers are equally bad, buttttt i did surprisingly well in my business exam and assessments and am best in the class so should i stay since im naturally good at it? im bad at essays and more of a science/maths person, but ent has SO much content and it...
  4. F

    Difference between 2 courses

    Hi there, I was wondering, what is the difference between Business Informarion Systems and Commerce Information Systems at UNSW? THANKS !!!

    UOW Degree Advice !?!?!?

    Hey, I'm currently in Year 12, and I'm quite interested in Finance. I was wondering what the level of Mathematics would be like in a Bachelor of Finance & Mathematics. The assumed knowledge is Mathematics Advanced, and the recommended studies is Mathematics Extension 1. However, I only do...