maths extension 2

  1. P

    Maths ext 2 trial

    Completed the CSSA Maths ext 2 trial on Monday was curious of what other people thought of it, I found most of the q)16 very challenging except for the cos integration
  2. E

    SELLING FIRST IN TRIALS Yr12 English Advanced (95) & Extension 1 (48) Essays & Creatives | Math Extension 1 & 2 Resources

    Hello everyone! I graduated from a top NSW selective school in 2023, and I'm currently selling the essays that I used in the Trials and HSC! ENGLISH ADVANCED | (INTERNALS 95/100; TRIAL RAW MARK 94/100) These are texts that I offer essays for: - COMMON MOD [The Merchant of Venice] $20 |...
  3. D

    Maths Ext 2 predictions

    Last years paper was demon level, and the trend for the difficulty for the papers has been rising, so either, they're going to give a really hard paper, or a mid level ~3/4 paper. What do you guys think?
  4. N

    Private Maths Extension 2 Tutoring / HSC Mark of 99 (2nd in State)

    Hi! I’m Nathan – I’m offering private 1-to-1 tutoring for Maths Extension 2. Year 11s and Year 12s are both welcome. My Credentials: 2nd in State for Maths Extension 2 (2022 HSC) ATAR of 99.95 Currently accepted offer to study Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Medicine at the University of...
  5. Modern4DaBois

    Help Pls with this Q

    I get the first two parts. Those are ez. But how would you go about proving the third one? @jimmysmith560 help lol
  6. Lith_30

    Vertical resisted motion question help

    How do I do part iv?
  7. chemojoe


    Say that I cite a geometric reason why the rev. volume/area under a curve is so rather than the expanding an integral. If I write the integral wrong eg instead of π∫[f(x)]^2dx I do π∫f(x)dx for a volume but my geometric reasoning is right (eg the shape is a hemisphere with radius 1, therefore...
  8. Modern4DaBois

    PLs Help Question ASAP

    Sup can anyone pls help with these two Qs? Thanks!!!!
  9. A

    is 1 a complex num

    im asking this cuz a q asks to show an example of finding nth roots of a complex num with n>5 i used the example z^6 = 1 and found the roots of this. but yh is 1 a complex number and would using it satisfy the question
  10. A

    Confusion ABT how to prove something is purely imaginary

    Need to find values of n for which (1+I)^n is purely real or imaginary. Did the real part but imag part always screws me up so yh wanted to know how to do it. I did this so far
  11. A

    help required in these q's

    q1 q2 any help is appreciated
  12. M

    Types of Integration By Parts Questions

    What are all the types of integration by parts questions? I know normal IBP, and the other type where you have to integrate 2 times, and a 3rd type where you have to integrate 2 times and then move a repeated integral from RHS to LHS and then divide by 2. Are there any more trick question...
  13. W

    Should I drop Extension 2 maths?

    Hi! So I was wondering whether if it was worth it dropping extension 2 maths? Currently I'm undertaking advanced english, physics, chemistry, SOR 1 and, of course, extension 2 maths. I've talked to some people and most of them have told me I need to think smart and choose the decision that...
  14. H

    99.75 | UNSW 4th Year Medical Student | English, Maths Advanced, Ext 1, Chemistry, UCAT and Medical/Dental Interview Online Tutoring

    Hello everyone, I am a Sydney Boys graduate of class 2020 with an ATAR of 99.75 and am a 4th year medical student at the University of New South Wales with a distinction average. With over 2500 hours of tutoring experience, teaching and guiding a range of students from all capabilities and...
  15. W

    Do I need 4 unit maths to get an ATAR above 99?

    Hello! So I'm currently in a state of dilemma because I'm contemplating whether I should take 4 unit maths (extension 2 mathematics) next term. So the subjects I'm currently undertaking are: English Advanced, Physics, Chemistry, Extension Maths and SOR. The thing is, my final advanced maths exam...
  16. H

    Reduction Formula Question

    I am struggling to do this question. I tried solving it and yeah thats pretty much it. I tried :(. Also generally, I can do integration by parts questions very well but whenever it comes to reduction formula or proof by Induction questions where there is a recursive formula involved, I only get...
  17. D

    We predict students HSC marks from as early as Year 10 using Computer Algorithms - Hiring tutors for Mathematics

    Hi everyone, My name is Dr. Andrew Phillip, and I am a lecturer in the School of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of Sydney. Since 2013, my research has been about predicting the future price of Bitcoin. I came up with a statistical framework which is able to predict future volatility...
  18. P

    99.85 ATAR Medical Student from UNSW offering HSC and Preliminary Maths Tuition (2U, 3U, 4U)

    Qualifications Hi, I’m Prag and I’m a maths tutor based in the Hills area. I graduated from Baulkham Hills High School and am currently a second year medical student at the University of New South Wales. I took physics, chemistry, 4U maths and English for my HSC in 2017 with marks as below: Ext...
  19. J

    Any details about 2021 4u math new syllabus?

    Well I am currently a year 10 student and my friends from year 12 have told me some informaton about the change in syllabus... basically what they said was, it will become harder in the new syllabus. The new syllabus will be put into use in 2021 if I am correct, that means, I will be one of the...
  20. P

    Query about school ranking

    Hey Guys I am a student from a school ranked 300 around. I am doin' extension 2 maths and have approached few trial paper. My average score is 82% around. However, I ripped my previous 3 assessments hardly (there are only 4 students doing extension 2 maths in our school) me and the first...