Hello there darlings.
How is it, that in my quest for Hamlet and Cloudstreet notes over in the English forums, that I missed this delightful little thread?
Had a browse back through previous posts and I must say that you guys have done some absolutely amazing stuff!
Also, am glad that you guys have been able to shed a little bit of light on what the 'red dot' thing hopefully means. We got our projects back last Friday after the exam, and mine was the only one with the little red dot on it. Mine also happened to be in a box about four times the size of anyone else's, so I had wondered whether it was just administrative stuff, perhaps to mark exactly which box my thingie had to go back into.
So a red dot is a possible nomination for Texstyle? that has just made my day infinitely better.
obligatory bragging pictures and whatnot are posted on livejournal.
anyone else on lj, add me. (I'm pankaks.

in other news, everyone finished their exams yet? or are there people like me who still have icky art to go?
once again, well done everyone on some amazing work. <3