Failure? You got fkn 4 band 6s and a high band 5, people like you insult those who got lower than you and are actually happy with their marks. You're like those annoying ppl in high school, "oH i faIled

" whereas in reality they ended up getting marks in the 90s. Publically posting your outstanding results and then complaining that u feel like a failure only makes you come off as attention seeking, you couldve simply posted your marks without the "I feEl lIkE a GodDam faIluRe tbH" and you would've been fine, but NOOOO you had to add the stupid degenerate line. I was happy with my HSC marks because it meant I scored well enough to enter my preferred uni and degree. People need to stop with this bs, be happy you got such a good mark instead of finding a way to complain about it, not everyone is going to get a 99 atar. Stuff like this boils my blood honestly.