Rising Renewal
accelerated maths adv was definitely a blessing because i can't imagine doing the hsc for it next year, so glad that it's gone- but i do agree with the curse bit because now i'm kinda soo behind on my other subjects and year 12 has only startedidk how i feel about accelerating.. it's good to get out of the way, but i keep reconsidering if i'm spending enough time on stuff and i keep procrastinatinga bit of a blessing and a curse at the same time ig

damn! all my assessments are in around week 8-9, not looking forward to it but whateverrrrrr, i'd much prefer assessments this term than have to grind in the holidays even moreI just found out I’ve only got two assessments this term - one for SORII and the other for English. The rest are weeks 2-3 of next term. Idk if this is good or bad. It’s nice to have chill end to the year but I’m also not feeling the pressure atm. It just means I’ll have to grind the summer holiday break.