Mm, I think it's my turn to procrastinate, really sick of research atm... lol Aerath you should see my room, I (no joke), slipped over a bunch of papers lying on the floor and couldn't get up for about a minute... Safety hazard? I think so.
Personally, I find law really interesting, it really depends what you are in it for. As aforementioned, if you are just in it for money, prestige, have the marks or whatever then you will most likely find it boring. I expected the study of law to be technical and challenging, in an abstract way that is, and it's turned out to be that way which I really enjoy, notwithstanding that some areas of law are a bit too straightforward in comparison to what I like...
Also in terms of competition, it depends on what university you go to. You'll find sandstone university's more challenging. I went to UTS in my first year and it was pretty laid back in comparison. Also, merely passing your subjects won't really get you anywhere for law... Sure it's not hard to pass, but it is definitely hard achieving goods marks which are pretty much necessary in finding a well paid graduate job.
Did no one here like Contract Law as much as I did? So much better than criminal or tort law... I think I'm a robot...