withoutaface said:
The Aboriginal people were primitive nomads who slashed, burned and then moved on.
Nobody in this thread is claiming that the state should pay to uphold Christianity.
Wait, SEVEN fresh water springs? Really? Fuck, consider my mind changed.
Ok; firstly, they didnt slash burn and move on. They lived with nature not against it. They only killed for necessity, i.e. survival [hence the eventual decline of the mega fauna]. Apart from this, they live within the balance of nature, using everything of the animals they killed and leaving nothing to waste.
Secondly; Im not saying that people are claiming that about christianity, im using christianity as an example. i could also use any other religion, im just saying that it is a system of belief too, and should be respected just as much as every other religion.
And Thirdly; being sarcastic isnt very original and trying to degrade my comments isn't very mature. This is a discussion thread, not a "lets all be rude to eachother" thread. everyone's opinion counts. Your opinion is fine; it's just the way you express it that is rude and thoughtless. If you're going to attack my opinion at least have some proof for me, ok? thanks

also; as i have said countless times before, swearing is not necessary in a discussion. the people who start swearing are the people who are out of control and losing the argument.
As for the last comment about fresh water springs, too; i am pointing out an example, [or proof, if you will] that aborigines were very in tune with nature and the way they passed this knowledge on to the younger generations and the europeans. Later, the europeans took this help forgranted when they decided that they no longer needed guides or knowledge from the aborigines and continued to exterminate them like pests.
P.S. try using evidence in your next argument. It helps :uhhuh: