Laws wont be changed. It's open for debate, but that's as far as it will go. The only people supporting the motion for it to be illegal are fat, balding, middle aged men who see it as their duty to interfere with the lives of others.
Go find something better to do.
Do you eat eggs?
You do realise the only difference between a chicken embryo, and a human embryo is that the chicken egg will only produce a chicken if the egg is incubated. The human embryo needs a vessel (the mother) to grow.
Are you saying that women who choose to have an abortion are murderers?
It's people like you who need to stay out of this debate. Irrational extremists with no respect for the decisions and morality of other people.
Seriously, it is beyond my comprehension how people percieve abortion.
It bewilders me even more that people put it down to irresponsible women not having protected sex, considering women with their tubes tied have often become pregnant.
It's further beyond my grasp as to why people have the audacity to say who is right and who is wrong when it comes to their own body, and their own life.
What really confuses me is that some people are under the impression their views are more correct than others, on a topic that, unless faced with this particular situation, does not concern them.
You don't believe in abortion? Good. Don't have one.
Don't dare criticise those who do, or feel that it is any of your business as to why people choose to have an abortion.
Definately do not feel you have the right to assume people who have an abortion are doing it lightly, and do not consider all the consequences.
What is with you people and placing so much emphasis on an unborn fetus's "rights"?
What about the "rights" of a teenage/adult woman who has to not only decide whats best for her, but the child?
They're looking for a ban on late term abortions. Now, nobody can have late term abortions unless the fetus has a deformity detected. Who are these people to say a woman doesn't have the right to decide whether she wants to have a child who is possibly going to have a poor quality of life, or whether she wants to humanely terminate the fetus.
Keep in mind people, the fetus does not feel a thing. It is dead before it is extracted from the womb.
Because both a sperm and an egg are in fact incomplete halves of a human genome, they don't form life. That's why it's not murder every time a man has sex, masturbates or has a wet dream, or a woman ovulates once a month - because the genetic material is not in a state of growth. Once the sperm has fertilised the egg, however, it begins to develop into sentient life, and will continue to develop until the day it dies, hopefully as an old person. This is a simple biological fact, which every person here should have studied in junior school science.
Yet, you neglect to mention that as a fetus, up until 30 weeks, it cannot survive outside of the mothers womb, and only then can it survive under constant medical treatment.
You neglect to mention the rights of the woman, who, for whatever valid reason, does not feel they can carry on with an abortion.
You're placing the rights of an unborn fetus, before the rights of a person...And thats the most illogical argument I've seen in this entire debate.
The majority of abortions are undertaken by married women in their thirties, many of whom already have children. Professional, well educated women. Not these supre whores as you so eloquently put it.
It is a well documented fact that more teenagers are having babies these days, than they are abortions.
The statistics are there, they know the statistics.
If they didn't, they wouldnt have made the comment about "mature women being so silly as to get pregnant willy nilly".
I suggest you do your research...But then again, you're listening to what Boswell and Abott maybe it's a hopeless project.
Boswell is asking for statistics, because like the rest of the ignorant population, he doesn't believe that teenagers only make up a small amount of all abortions undertaken.
A teenager has a child every three days in Australia.
Your generalisation of those who have abortions is both stupid and unfounded.
Boswell and Abott think if they can heap the abortion debate onto the immaturity of teenagers decisions, that they'll have a case, so of course they're going to clutch and straws.
Keep in mind their main basis for argument is purely religiously based, and they're only interested in keeping their moral belief system superior over the rights of women.
Accurate statistics that are going to what? Prove women have abortions?
The more I think about it, the less I feel this should have anything to do with the age of the person undertaking the abortion. But unfortunately, that's their half arsed argument as to why abortions need to be banned.
I'm not convinced it ever will be made illegal, because I can only imagine the fiasco it would cause.