tangerinespeedo said:
lol the movie got one star in america.
Yeah and that was generous!!!
Holy shit... WORST MOVIE EVER!!!
it was soo soo SOOOO shit.
It jumped all over the place (the plot i mean) yet i didnt jump out of fright even once.
Ok i did a couple times... but its just because u KNOW ur gonna see the creepy girl and the music build up in a uniform manner then she appears and its just like "oh its about fucking time!"
It was only good cuz i went with some friends and we decided during the 1st 10 mins it was shit but we were gonna get really into it... so it was a good hugging movie.
I think the people in front got the shits with me cuz i just couldnt help laughing in most bits... "No ... It's meatloaf" hahaha oh it still kills me. And i kept buggin one of my friends to do an evil laugh... he has the best eveil laugh... but he fell asleep... he was drunk yet and in a very tipsy mood yet the movie couldnt even keep him amused... then they got shitty at my other friend cuz as the music would build he would just sit there goin "ohhh" like he was constipated, then we'd collapse into a fit of giggles and scream the the appropriate moment,
without friends this movie woulda sucked.... even more so.
Yeah it was just one shitty "scary" one liner after another "That was josie's bear" ...like ooo im shtting my self now!
Not even whats-his-face being half naked the whole time could save this movie.
It was like a shit remake of the shining... but u really cant compare them!!!!
Oh ok, heres a positive, i liked half-naked-guys contacts, they looked cool-ish.
Oh oh and the blood??? in the taps and stuff!!! what the hell???
OOOK ill stop now but i just remberd a genuinely distressing part ... the dog hacking scene... theres something SO wrong about hurting a dog. it freaked me.
The end.