Another Cronulla, but in Melbourne (1 Viewer)

Aug 13, 2004
politik said:
Most people know that Lebanon is one of the most uncivilised Muslim states.
hahahaa. no its not. wat do u imagine, monkeys with towles around there head running around starting fires???
have u even seen lebanon?

politik said:
Not that I could care less, but people i've met overseas generally view Lebanon with a tinge of digust for reasons unbeknown to me - other than the obvious of course.
were them people jews???
obvious wat obvious???? the war. thats over. lebanons current problems are exterior. Lebanon is actually a christian country, even though the majority is muslim. The president must be a maronite, The Prime Minister, a Sunni Muslim, and The Speaker of the Parliament, a Shi'a Muslim.
lebanon is a very attractive country.
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Aug 13, 2004
TerrbleSpellor said:
hahahahahahahahaha :rofl:

Then the English have every right to kick negroes and towel heads out of England.

It's nice to see you have nationalistic sympathies for the japs, but you don't have the same opinion about england right? Or any of Europe.

As long as it isn't white. It's ok maid, to hate your master while he is sleeping. But don't be too noisy in your complaints, or he may awake.

ok that last part was just scary..... SEIG HEIL?

I wasnt talking about the country england at all. Im talking about Australia here. As you say it, i dont know the situation, but if japs did than i guess england could do it too.
Aug 13, 2004
politik said:
Sorry should have probably said 'arabic states'. Same point.
no u dont have a clue wat ur talking about. u cant just assume lebanon is the most uncivilised arab state and then say it as a fact. saying something as big as that, youd wanna make sure if its true, which it isnt.


Now You've done it.......
Sep 26, 2003
man, to whoever said middle eastern people have a caramel complexion, you really are stupid.. sure some of them do , but you know most of them are white
Aug 6, 2005
To that terrblespellor guy ur fukd in the head seriously where do u live? because u can tell ur not very experienced in life, ur in ur own little world like most white supremacists -u know wat im not gonna bother anymore i feel sry for ppl like u-there are other countries out there, we are all different,-religion race wateva get ova ur whole white supremecy shit cause if u didnt know hitlers dead most ppl have moved on from there now-ur stuck in the past-accept other people we all live on the same earth, we are all people, so stop being so arrogant...its pathetic
Aug 13, 2004
TerrbleSpellor said:
Would you be able to understand England not alowing foreigners?

"I wasnt talking about the country england at all. Im talking about Australia here. As you say it, i dont know the situation, but if japs did than i guess england could do it too."

thats wat i said. aboriginals have the biggest right to this land. theyve been here for 40 000 years. correction 40 006 now, but im not saying "white people" cant be he, im saying if they can be here so can anyone from around the world, because they dont own it.

LOL. and the little signature u got of my quote, u cant say that, IT WAS IN REPLY TO YOUR COMMENT. INCLUDE WHAT YOU SAY FIRST. I WAS USING UR SENTENCE AS A BASE. Ur distorting the truth, i wouldnt just say something like that. I was replying to YOUR stupid comment.
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Jan 30, 2006
SuNrIsE_oVa_sEa said:
To that terrblespellor guy ur fukd in the head seriously where do u live? because u can tell ur not very experienced in life, ur in ur own little world like most white supremacists -u know wat im not gonna bother anymore i feel sry for ppl like u-there are other countries out there, we are all different,-religion race wateva get ova ur whole white supremecy shit cause if u didnt know hitlers dead most ppl have moved on from there now-ur stuck in the past-accept other people we all live on the same earth, we are all people, so stop being so arrogant...its pathetic
ROFL. We've seen this post over a billion times directed at Mathmite. This isn't going to change anything.


Jan 5, 2005
The Shire
SuNrIsE_oVa_sEa said:
To that terrblespellor guy ur fukd in the head seriously where do u live? because u can tell ur not very experienced in life, ur in ur own little world like most white supremacists -u know wat im not gonna bother anymore i feel sry for ppl like u-there are other countries out there, we are all different,-religion race wateva get ova ur whole white supremecy shit cause if u didnt know hitlers dead most ppl have moved on from there now-ur stuck in the past-accept other people we all live on the same earth, we are all people, so stop being so arrogant...its pathetic

i didnt read wat you typed but still fuck off 06er, i dont like your kind
Jan 30, 2006
TerrbleSpellor said:
Someone said that to mathmite? Really? Sweet.
Why must you persist, Mathmite. It's almost as good as your call of my hat falling off my head.
Nov 4, 2004
codereder said:
the aborigines were here first, and white man came and took over their land, thats exactly why its ok for wogs/towel heads to come and invade white man even if he was here before them because the abo's were here before u.
please do not try and represent what wogs think, there is only like 300,000 total greeks/italians compared to 15,000,000 australians (I know the population is 20,000,000 but I took 5,000,000 out assuming they're foreigners)
Aug 13, 2004
Casmira said:
please do not try and represent what wogs think, there is only like 300,000 total greeks/italians compared to 15,000,000 australians (I know the population is 20,000,000 but I took 5,000,000 out assuming they're foreigners)

how am i trying to represent what wogs think at all??
dont fall for terriblespellors little campagne againsts ethnics. i was replying to his post and u cant look at my post without seeing it in the correct context. He asked, because white took over aboriginals does that give wogs/towellheads the right to come here and invade whiteman, i was responding to that. The point was, which i could have said, everyone in this country are technically immigrants, apart from the aboriginals, "white man" doesnt own this country so it should be shared.

"At the 2001 Census, Australia had about 19 million people. Of this population:.
43 per cent were either born overseas or had at least one parent born overseas."

So casmira, are you saying wogs shouldnt be allowed in this country??


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Just saw on the news crazed muslims stabbed 6 people in bondi. Apparently the fracas started when the lebs were harassing two teenage girls.
Nov 4, 2004
codereder said:
how am i trying to represent what wogs think at all??
dont fall for terriblespellors little campagne againsts ethnics. i was replying to his post and u cant look at my post without seeing it in the correct context. He asked, because white took over aboriginals does that give wogs/towellheads the right to come here and invade whiteman, i was responding to that. The point was, which i could have said, everyone in this country are technically immigrants, apart from the aboriginals, "white man" doesnt own this country so it should be shared.

"At the 2001 Census, Australia had about 19 million people. Of this population:.
43 per cent were either born overseas or had at least one parent born overseas."

So casmira, are you saying wogs shouldnt be allowed in this country??
no you are making very stupid claims that we all have a right too 'invade' this country, its multicultural society which basically fits and the reasons it worked was because italians/greeks are christian/catholic like the aussies. while nothing against most muslims, their beliefs are conflicting but dont have to obe conficting if kept too themselves, some feel the need to go rub it into other peoples faces like for example; a girl wearing a skirt is instantly a slut and must be raped. if a christian/catholic went and rubbed his 'beliefs' into an aussies face then they'd both agree, thus no conflict.

again, nothing against muslims you have aright too believe whatever you want, but there is a line you must cross as too what is right and wrong universlaly, you dont come into a country raping girls, excpect major uproar and even if the reaction is over-reactive and people calling ALL muslims screwed in the head that is expected because of such a stupid action from a minority.

basically most of the worlds 'countries' have been invaded, conquered, resettled so many times over its not funny; in hte end we're all descendants of 2 humans
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Aug 13, 2004
Your not understanding my point. I only used the word invaded in regards to the previous post by terriblespellor. If simply immigration is invading, then other cultures have the right to "invade" , in that Context.
To some people, when other cultures come into this country, dont learn english, this is invading white man.

But obviously, i believe other cultures should intergrate and obey the laws and live harmoniously.
I say this as a catholic, the claims you make about muslims i dont believe are true. Muslims seeing rape as acceptable is ridiculous and a false stereotype. Criminals see rape as ok, not all muslims are criminals.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
hile nothing against most muslims, their beliefs are conflicting but dont have to obe conficting if kept too themselves, some feel the need to go rub it into other peoples faces like for example; a girl wearing a skirt is instantly a slut and must be raped. if a christian/catholic went and rubbed his 'beliefs' into an aussies face then they'd both agree, thus no conflict.
People keep doing this, what is wrong with you people?

Lets make something very clear, any violence any sexual abuse that has occurred in Australia by "Middle Eastern appearance" males has nothing to do with religion.

People are getting confused with the issue of "terrorism"(the use of militant Islam to fight imperialism) and the current racial clash.

I have never read the Quran or been to a Mosque, but im pretty sure i am not going to find any references to gang bashing and over sexed attitudes (you may find some subtle references here and there, but show me a religion that doesn't have these subtle references). Just as the same with the bible and church, i am not going to find references to getting drunk, taking your shirt off and using the Australian flag as a shirt while chashing down people with dark skin.

Though im pretty sure if i turn the tv on, go to a movie, read a magazine, watch a advertisement, go to a sporting event etc, im going to find lots of references to violence and sex and all things got to do with male chauvinism.

With regards to the short skirt comment, lets be serious here. I am asking the males what is the attitude to women with short skirts? I am a male and ever since a guys balls drop the attitude to women with short skirts has been that they are active in casual sex. Long before "middle eastern appearance" was a common phrase on prime time news clothing on women was a way to assume the sexual activities of the woman. We can only assume what happens to any male who suddenly figures out that cloths isn't always the best way to determine a woman's sexual attitude, this leads to angry and sometimes rape. We often hear about rapes that happen and the male's defense is "she lead me on" and sometimes males will sympathise with this excuse. So let's cut the crap and stop acting like we live in a society where white men take care of a lady and dark skinned people are promiscuous.

So can we stop with the incorrect use of the word Muslim, this stops you looking like a ignorant cracker and helps expose the real fascist who hide amongst the ignorant. It makes the average Australian look really stupid when they can't tell the difference religion plays and the mainstream culture.
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Comrade nathan said:
People keep doing this, what is wrong with you people?

Lets make something very clear, any violence any sexual abuse that has occurred in Australia by "Middle Eastern appearance" males has nothing to do with religion.

People are getting confused with the issue of "terrorism"(the use of militant Islam to fight imperialism) and the current racial clash.

I have never read the Quran or been to a Mosque, but im pretty sure i am not going to find any references to gang bashing and over sexed attitudes (you may find some subtle references here and there, but show me a religion that doesn't have these subtle references). Just as the same with the bible and church, i am not going to find references to getting drunk, taking your shirt off and using the Australian flag as a shirt while chashing down people with dark skin.

Though im pretty sure if i turn the tv on, go to a movie, read a magazine, watch a advertisement, go to a sporting event etc, im going to find lots of references to violence and sex and all things got to do with male chauvinism.

With regards to the short skirt comment, lets be serious here. I am asking the males what is the attitude to women with short skirts? I am a male and ever since a guys balls drop the attitude to women with short skirts has been that they are active in casual sex. Long before "middle eastern appearance" was a common phrase on prime time news clothing on women was a way to assume the sexual activities of the woman. We can only assume what happens to any male who suddenly figures out that cloths isn't always the best way to determine a woman's sexual attitude, this leads to angry and sometimes rape. We often hear about rapes that happen and the male's defense is "she lead me on" and sometimes males will sympathise with this excuse. So let's cut the crap and stop acting like we live in a society where white men take care of a lady and dark skinned people are promiscuous.

So can we stop with the incorrect use of the word Muslim, this stops you looking like a ignorant cracker and helps expose the real fascist who hide amongst the ignorant. It makes the average Australian look really stupid when they can't tell the difference religion plays and the mainstream culture.
That's like saying sexual assault has nothing to do with the catholic church!

(Throw in a bunch of words like "imperialist", "western", etc to somehow make the ridiculous shit I'm spouting appear more valid)
Aug 6, 2005
The thing that Comrade nathan wrote has got to b the most smartest thing ive ever read-its so true- i vote Comrade nathan 4 prime minister of Australia

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