taki999 said:
^ how come you do ext.his during sport? Do you more then 2 extension subjects??
Yeah sometimes feel ext his is boring cause my teacher isnt really taking about my core topic napoleon by talking about more on how to construct our essays, which is a good thing is some aspects but i just wish he did more on napoleon and less blabbering...
Okay, since everyone is talking about everything, i'll add in my half a cent of random chatter to the plethora of lovely people.
History extension is run during the sport period at my school, because Year 11 and 12 get the sport period off on Wednes, 1pm-3pm to use as a study period.
Most people use it to go to after school music/dance/drama/art classes, but I go with my other 15 comrades to history extension.Though before I rush there I tend to trip over to maccas (one time I actually did trip, anyway thats another story) for some eats [don't lecture me about the shittiness of their food, at least its tasty].
As far as I know my school is the only one in the area who has this. perhaps its because in year 7- 10 we did all the compulsary sport/performing arts modules needed. bahaha.
My case study is NAPOLEAN zee fucking Corsican. And i've been forced to watch a 4 hour doco on him which I fell asleep in. Meh. Though we're still doing the readings. What is bad is that there isnt another history extension class for me, for another month because of the half yearlies and holidays.
I really dislike Napolean.
I'd rather do ANYTHING else, other than himski.
My subjects for those wondering are..
Adv. English
Extension 1 English
Extension 2 English [MW]
Visual Arts[MW]
History Extension [MW]
Studies of Religion 1 ...via correspondence [MW]
Ancient History
I thought I had the most major works. But Asheroth kicks my ass. Shitzen.
I wish people would fuck off from telling me that because I have 10 units I have an easier workload....I use every free period (24 of them) to study my stupid arse off so I can have half a social life on the weekend so I don't completely die of stress and lack of social skills.
Eeh I need a drink.
Anyone who keeps extension history, is going to do well

okay? I'm going to be all warm, and fuzzy and positive here and give you all a hug